535 results returned
Title: Biogeochemical properties of sediment cores from Barataria Basin, Louisiana, 2018 and 2019
Dataset 2020-12-21
Contributors: -
Title: Barataria Bay carbon mineralization and biogeochemical properties from nine soil cores
Dataset 2019-09-05
Contributors: -
Title: Exploring the halo occupation of AGN using dark-matter cosmological simulations
Dataset 2018
Contributors: -
Title: COVID-19 Forecast Hub: 4 December 2020 snapshot
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Estee Cramer
- Nicholas G Reich
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Jarad Niemi
- Abdul Hannan
- Katie House
- Youyang Gu
- Shanghong Xie
- Steve Horstman
- aniruddhadiga
- Robert Walraven
- starkari
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Graham Gibson
- Lauren Castro
- Dean Karlen
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- jinghuichen
- zyt9lsb
- aagarwal1996
- Spencer Woody
- Evan Ray
- Frost Tianjian Xu
- Hannah Biegel
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Johannes Bracher
- Elizabeth Lee
- har96
- leyouz
Title: scipy-lecture-notes: Release 2015.2
Software 2015
Contributors:- Gael Varoquaux
- Valentin Haenel
- Emmanuelle Gouillart
- Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
- Ralf Gommers
- Fabian Pedregosa
- Olav Vahtras
- Nicolas P. Rougier
- Pierre de Buyl
- Gert-Ludwig Ingold
- Pauli Virtanen
- Akihiro Uchida
- Christophe Combelles
- Nicolas Pettiaux
- Robert Cimrman
- aespaze
- Nelle Varoquaux
- Didrik Pinte
- Philip Gillißen
- reverland
- Ozan Çağlayan
- Maximilien Riehl
- Olivier Verdier
- Wes Turner
- kikocorreoso
- Stefan van der Walt
- Sergio Oller
- Robert Gieseke
- Lars
- yasutomo57jp