447 results returned
Title: A dataset used to determine a semantic similarity metric based on UMLS for PMC-OA
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Impactos da COVID-19 na produtividade de desenvolvedores de software brasileiros - Data set
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Edson OliveiraJr
- Marco Túlio Valente
- Rafael Prikladnicki
- Marcelo Morandini
- Gislaine Camila L. Leal
- Leandro B. Pompermaier
- Rafael M. Chanin
- Clara M. Caldeira
- Letícia S. Machado
- Cleidson R. B. de Souza
Title: Time-Series of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Density collected by the CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Project from November 1995 to January 2017
Dataset 2019-08-15
Contributors:- Troccoli, Luis
- Diaz-Ramos, Rafael
- Subero-Pino, Sonia
- Muller-Karger, Frank
- Astor, Yrene
- Varela, Ramon
- Rueda-Roa, Digna
- Klein, Eduardo
Title: biojs: BioJS2 (alpha)
Software 2014
Contributors:- Seb
- David Dao
- 4ndr01d3
- José Villaveces
- Rafael C Jimenez
- Saket Choudhary
- manuelcorpas
- Iris, Shih
- sillitoe
Title: PsicquicGraph, a BioJS component to visualize molecular inteactions from PSICQUIC servers
Software 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Geologi Endapan Gunungapi Wilayah Bandung Timur, Jawa Barat, Indonesia (v1)
Dataset 2016
Contributors: -
Title: Tau Labs (20140405-ab688254)
Software 2014
Contributors:- peabody124
- Stacey Sheldon
- Kenn Sebesta
- lilvinz
- PTDreamer
- guilhermito
- webbbn
- CorvusCorax
- elafargue
- dankers
- m-thread
- Mike928
- ernie of infect
- sambas
- a*morale
- MathieuR
- Dmytro Poplavskiy
- Guillaume S
- janfietz
- José Xavier
- jan76
- pejbern
- David "Buzz" Carlson
- Carsten Giesen
- yuguy
- Mischa Aster Alff
- Michael Schulz
- Laurent Ribon
- cyr123
- rdnzl