10 results returned
Title: Cruise Event Logs from 15 vessels for 116 U.S. GLOBEC cruises from 1997-2004 in the Northeast Pacific and Gulf of Alaska areas (NEP program)
Dataset 2019-02-22
Contributors:- Barth, Jack
- Boldt, Jennifer L
- Brodeur, Richard D
- Cokelet, Edward D.
- Cowles, Timothy
- Danielson, Seth L.
- Emmett, Robert L
- Farley, Edward V.
- Fleischbein, Jane
- Haldorson, Lewis J
- Hopcroft, Russell R.
- Huyer, Adriana
- Janout, Markus A.
- Kachel, Nancy
- Kondzela, Chris
- Moss, Jamal Hasan
- Musgrave, Dave
- Napp, Jeffrey
- Noskov, Jackie Popp
- Peterson, William T.
- Piccolo, Jack
- Royer, Thomas C.
- Smith, Robert
- Stockwell, Dean A.
- Strom, Suzanne
- Thornton, Sarah
- Tynan, Cynthia
- Weingartner, Thomas J.
- Coyle, Kenneth O
- Keister, Julie E.
- Sherr, Evelyn
Title: dfm/corner.py: corner.py v2.2.2rc1
Software 2022
Contributors:- Dan Foreman-Mackey
- Adrian Price-Whelan
- Will Vousden
- Geoffrey Ryan
- Matt Pitkin
- Víctor Zabalza
- jsheyl
- Arfon Smith
- Gregory Ashton
- Leo Singer
- Michael Smith
- Emily Rice
- Adrien Deline
- Alex Nitz
- Brendon J. Brewer
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- David W. Hogg
- Eric Gentry
- Hanno Rein
- Hennadii Madan
- Ian Czekala
- Jack Miller
- James Matthews
- James Tocknell
- Kyle Barbary
- Marlon
- Remy Prechelt
- Stephan Hoyer
- Syrtis Major
Title: SeaSoar CTD Data from R/V Wecoma cruise W0008 in the Northeast Pacific in 2000 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program (NEP project)
Dataset 2020-02-27
Contributors: -
Title: Tamil Nadu Aging Panel
Dataset 2022
Contributors:- Esther Duflo
- Abhijit Banerjee
- Madeline McKelway
- Frank Schilbach
- Garima Sharma
- Girija Vaidyanathan
- Jack Cavanagh
- Erin Grela
Title: Replication Data for: Private Information and the Allocation of Land Use Subsidies in Malawi
Dataset 2018