78 results returned
Title: The global proteome of replete laboratory cultures of Alteromonas macleodii MIT1002
Dataset 2022-06-15
Contributors: -
Title: Transcriptome data for bacteria collected eight hours after individual inoculation into a diatom Thalassiosira psuedonana culture
Dataset 2020-07-20
Contributors: -
Title: Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA
Dataset 2019-04-17
Contributors: -
Title: The global proteome of replete laboratory cultures of Ruergeria pomeroyi DSS-3
Dataset 2022-06-15
Contributors: -
Title: Metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and single cell sequencing data from a Environmental Sample Processor deployment in Monterey Bay, CA from 2016.
Dataset 2020-04-01
Contributors: -
Title: Environmental data from CTD during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA
Dataset 2019-04-17
Contributors: -
Title: Transcriptional profile of marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi in a three-member co-culture study
Dataset 2020-01-14
Contributors: -
Title: Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA
Dataset 2019-11-08
Contributors: -
Title: RosalynMoran/Covid-19: Covid-19
Software 2020
Contributors:- Rosalyn Moran
- Erik D. Fagerholm
- Maell Cullen
- Jean Daunizeau
- Mark P. Richardson
- Steven Williams
- Federico Turkheimer
- Rob Leech
- Karl J. Friston
Title: RosalynMoran/Covid-19: Covid-19
Software 2020
Contributors:- Rosalyn Moran
- Erik D. Fagerholm
- Maell Cullen
- Jean Daunizeau
- Mark P. Richardson
- Steven Williams
- Federico Turkheimer
- Rob Leech
- Karl J. Friston
Title: Lung ultrasonography features and risk stratification in 80 patients with COVID-19: a prospective observational cohort study
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Brahier, Thomas
- Meuwly, Jean-Yves
- Pantet, Olivier
- Brochu Vez, Marie-Josée
- Gerhard Donnet, Helene
- Hartley, Mary-Anne
- Hügli, Olivier
- Boillat Blanco, Noémie