1,021 results returned
Title: Phytoplankton HPLC pigment concentrations from samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018
Dataset 2021-06-04
Contributors: -
Title: Phytoplankton growth and grazing from flow cytometry in the eastern Indian Ocean
Dataset 2021-06-03
Contributors: -
Title: Mesozooplankton grazing rates from samples collected in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018
Dataset 2021-01-12
Contributors: -
Title: CSIA 15N AA data from phytoplankton, microzooplankton, and Calanus pacificus.
Dataset 2019-06-10
Contributors: -
Title: Protist carbon from microscopy samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018
Dataset 2021-06-04
Contributors: -
Title: All cruise CTD profiles, at 1 decibar intervals, from R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project)
Dataset 2019-12-11
Contributors: -
Title: Shallow-drifting sediment trap fluxes (C, N, pigments) from R/V Melville cruise MV1008 in the Costa Rica Dome in 2010 (CRD FLUZiE project)
Dataset 2019-12-11
Contributors: -
Title: Phytoplankton growth and grazing mortality from HPLC pigments sampled in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises in May 2017 and May 2018
Dataset 2021-06-04