534 results returned
Title: skll: SKLL 1.0.0
Software 2014
Contributors:- Dan Blanchard
- Nitin Madnani
- Michael Heilman
- nineil
- Diane M. Napolitano
- Aoife Cahill
- Keelan Evanini
- Chee Wee Leong
- Bitdeli Chef
- stonebig
Title: SciKit-Learn Laboratory (SKLL) 1.0.0
Software 2014
Contributors:- Dan Blanchard
- Nitin Madnani
- Michael Heilman
- Nils Murrugarra Llerena
- Diane M. Napolitano
- Aoife Cahill
- Keelan Evanini
- Chee Wee Leong
Title: "interactive" version of data associated with the eLife paper "Integrative genomic analysis of the human immune response to influenza vaccination"
Dataset 2013
Contributors:- Franco, Luis
- Bucasas, Kristine
- Wells, Janet
- Nino, Diane
- Wang, Xueqing
- Zapata, Gladys
- Chen, Edward
- Zamora, Pavel
- Arden, Nancy
- Renwick, Alexander
- Yu, Peng
- Quarles, John
- Bray, Molly
- Couch, Robert
- Belmont, John
- Shaw, Chad
Title: Properties of flat-spectrum radio-loud Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Dataset 2015
Contributors:- Foschini, Luigi
- Berton, Marco
- Caccianiga, Alessandro
- Ciroi, Stefano
- Cracco, Valentina
- Peterson, Bradley M.
- Angelakis, Emmanouil
- Braito, Valentina
- Fuhrmann, Lars
- Gallo, Luigi
- Grupe, Dirk
- Jarvela, Emilia
- Kaufmann, Sarah
- Komossa, Stefanie
- Kovalev, Yuri Y.
- Lahteenmaki, Anne
- Lisakov, M. M.
- Lister, Matthew L.
- Mathur, Smita
- Richards, Joseph L.
- Romano, Patrizia
- Sievers, A.
- Tagliaferri, Gianpiero
- Tammi, Joni
- Tibolla, Omar
- Tornikoski, Merja
- Vercellone, Stefano
- La Mura, Giovanni
- Maraschi, Laura
- Rafanelli, Piero
Title: nbgrader v0.5.5
Software 2019
Contributors:- Project Jupyter
- Blank, Douglas
- Bourgin, David
- Brown, Alexander
- Bussonnier, Matthias
- Frederic, Jonathan
- Granger, Brian
- Griffiths, Thomas L.
- Hamrick, Jessica B.
- Kelley, Kyle
- Pacer, M
- Page, Logan
- Pérez, Fernando
- Ragan-Kelley, Benjamin
- Suchow, Jordan W.
- Willing, Carol
Title: Additive interfacial chiral interaction in multilayers for stabilization of small individual skyrmion at room temperature
Dataset 2016
Contributors:- Moreau-Luchaire, Constance
- Moutafis, Christoforos
- Reyren, Nicolas
- Sampaio, José
- Bouzehouane, Karim
- Deranlot, Cyrile
- Warnicke, P.
- Vaz, C.A.F
- Van Horne, N
- Garcia, Karin
- Wohlhüter, P.
- George, Jean-marie
- Weigand, M.
- Raabe, Jörg
- Cros, Vincent
- Fert, Albert
Title: github.com/clauswilke/ecoli_learning_bacterial_response_optimization: Initial release
Software 2018