193 results returned
Title: Eddy diffusivity from Argo temperature and salinity profiles
Dataset 2018-04-10
Contributors: -
Title: Temporal and spatial variability of the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric molecular hydrogen: observations at six EUROHYDROS stations
Dataset 2013
Contributors:- Batenburg, Anneke
- Walter, Sylvia
- Pieterse, Gerben
- Levin, Ingeborg
- Schmidt, Martina
- Jordan, Armin
- Hammer, Samuel
- Yver, Camille
- Röckmann, Thomas
Title: mwaskom/seaborn: v0.11.2 (August 2021)
Software 2021
Contributors:- Michael Waskom
- Maoz Gelbart
- Olga Botvinnik
- Joel Ostblom
- Paul Hobson
- Saulius Lukauskas
- David C Gemperline
- Tom Augspurger
- Yaroslav Halchenko
- Jordi Warmenhoven
- John B. Cole
- Julian de Ruiter
- Jake Vanderplas
- Stephan Hoyer
- Cameron Pye
- Alistair Miles
- Corban Swain
- Kyle Meyer
- Marcel Martin
- Pete Bachant
- Eric Quintero
- Gero Kunter
- Santi Villalba
- Brian
- Clark Fitzgerald
- Constantine Evans
- Mike Lee Williams
- Drew O'Kane
- Tal Yarkoni
- Thomas Brunner
Title: seaborn: v0.7.1 (June 2016)
Software 2016
Contributors:- Michael Waskom
- Olga Botvinnik
- drewokane
- Paul Hobson
- David
- Yaroslav Halchenko
- Saulius Lukauskas
- John B. Cole
- Jordi Warmenhoven
- Julian de Ruiter
- Stephan Hoyer
- Jake Vanderplas
- Santi Villalba
- Gero Kunter
- Eric Quintero
- Marcel Martin
- Alistair Miles
- Kyle Meyer
- Tom Augspurger
- Tal Yarkoni
- Pete Bachant
- Mike Williams
- Constantine Evans
- Clark Fitzgerald
- Brian
- Daniel Wehner
- Gregory Hitz
- Erik Ziegler
- Adel Qalieh
- Antony Lee
Title: Codebase for "A Class of Exponential Integrators based on Spectral Deferred Correction"
Software 2014
Contributors: -
Title: python-pillow/Pillow: 9.2.0
Software 2022
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- Andrew Murray
- wiredfool
- Jeffrey A. Clark, "Alex"
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Ondrej Baranovič
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- DWesl
- David Schmidt
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Alastair Houghton
- Sandro Mani
- Steve Landey
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Piolie
- Jason Douglas
- Stanislau T.
- David Caro
- Uriel Martinez
- Steve Kossouho
- Riley Lahd
- Antony Lee
- Eric W. Brown
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Mickael Bonfill
- Max Base
Title: python-pillow/Pillow: 8.3.2
Software 2021
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- Andrew Murray
- wiredfool
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Ondrej Baranovič
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Alastair Houghton
- Sandro Mani
- Steve Landey
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason Douglas
- Stanislau T.
- David Caro
- Uriel Martinez
- Steve Kossouho
- Riley Lahd
- Antony Lee
- Eric W. Brown
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Mickael Bonfill
- Peter Rowlands (변기호)
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- German Novikov
Title: python-pillow/Pillow:
Software 2021
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- Andrew Murray
- wiredfool
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Ondrej Baranovič
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Alastair Houghton
- Sandro Mani
- Steve Landey
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason Douglas
- Stanislau T.
- David Caro
- Uriel Martinez
- Steve Kossouho
- Riley Lahd
- Antony Lee
- Eric W. Brown
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Mickael Bonfill
- Peter Rowlands (변기호)
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- German Novikov
Title: python-pillow/Pillow 8.0.1
Software 2020
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- wiredfool
- Andrew Murray
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- nulano
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Alastair Houghton
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Sandro Mani
- Steve Landey
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason
- David Caro
- Steve Kossouho
- Riley Lahd
- Stanislau T.
- Antony Lee
- Eric W. Brown
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Mickael Bonfill
- Peter Rowlands (변기호)
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- Michał Górny
- Mikhail Korobov
- Marcin Kurczewski