295 results returned
Title: Collaborative research : EarthCube building blocks, leveraging semantics and linked data for geoscience data sharing and discovery, OceanLink
Moving Image 2013-10-28
Contributors:- Wiebe, Peter H.
- Chandler, Cynthia L.
- Raymond, Lisa
- Shepherd, Adam
- Finin, Tim
- Narock, Tom
- Arko, Robert A.
- Carbotte, Suzanne M.
- Hitzler, Pascal
- Cheatham, Michelle
- Krisnadhi, Adila
Title: GeoLink Triple Store Data
Dataset 2018-01-31
Contributors:- Arko, Robert A.
- Carbotte, Suzanne M.
- Chandler, Cynthia
- Cheatham, Michelle
- Fils, Douglas
- Hitzler, Pascal
- Hu, Yingjie
- Janowicz, Kyzysztof
- Ji, Peng
- Jones, Matt
- Krisnadhi, Adila
- Lehnert, Kerstin A.
- Mecum, Bryce
- Mickle, Audrey
- Narock, Tom
- Raymond, Lisa
- Schildhauer, Mark
- Shepherd, Adam
- Wiebe, Peter H.
Title: 16S rRNA Sequence Data, Brazilian Coffee Soils
Dataset 2014
Contributors:- Caldwell, Adam Collins
- Silva, Lívia Carneiro Fidéles
- da Silva, Cynthia Canêdo
- Ouverney, Cleber Costa
Title: Exploring the halo occupation of AGN using dark-matter cosmological simulations
Dataset 2018
Contributors: -
Title: nf-core/viralrecon: nf-core/viralrecon v2.5 - Manganese Monkey
Software 2022
Contributors:- Harshil Patel
- Sarai Varona
- Sara Monzón
- Jose Espinosa-Carrasco
- Michael L Heuer
- nf-core bot
- Anthony Underwood
- Gisela Gabernet
- Phil Ewels
- MiguelJulia
- Stephen Kelly
- Stevin Wilson
- Erika
- Katrin Sameith
- Maxime U. Garcia
- jcurado
- Kevin Menden
Title: nf-core/viralrecon: nf-core/viralrecon v2.4 - Magnesium Marmoset
Software 2022
Contributors:- Harshil Patel
- Sarai Varona
- Sara Monzón
- Jose Espinosa-Carrasco
- Michael L Heuer
- Anthony Underwood
- Gisela Gabernet
- nf-core bot
- Phil Ewels
- MiguelJulia
- Stephen Kelly
- Erika
- Katrin Sameith
- Maxime U. Garcia
- jcurado
- Kevin Menden
Title: Rapid Creation of a Data Product for the World's Specimens of Horseshoe Bats and Relatives, a Known Reservoir for Coronaviruses
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Mast, Austin R.
- Paul, Deborah L.
- Rios, Nelson
- Bruhn, Robert
- Dalton, Trevor
- Krimmel, Erica R.
- Pearson, Katelin D.
- Sherman, Aja
- Shorthouse, David P.
- Simmons, Nancy B.
- Soltis, Pam
- Upham, Nathan
Title: Supplementary Structural Models (SARS-CoV-2 Spike-RBD:ACE2 complex and TMPRSS2) - SARS-CoV-2 spike protein predicted to form complexes with host receptor protein orthologues from a broad range of mammals
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Lam, Su Datt
- Bordin, Nicola
- Waman, Vaishali
- Scholes, Harry M
- Ashford, Paul
- Sen, Neeladri
- van Dorp, Lucy
- Rauer, Clemens
- Dawson, Natalie L.
- Pang, Camilla
- Abbasian, Mahnaz
- Sillitoe, Ian
- Edwards, Sarah
- Fraternali, Franca
- Lees, Jonathan
- Santini, Joanne
- Orengo, Christine