552 results returned
Title: petsc: PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
Software 2016
Contributors:- Barry Smith
- Satish Balay
- Matthew Knepley
- Jed Brown
- Lois Curfman McInnes
- Hong Zhang
- Peter Brune
- sarich
- Dmitry Karpeyev
- Lisandro Dalcin
- stefanozampini
- markadams
- Victor Minden
- VictorEijkhout
- vijaysm
- tisaac
- Karl Rupp
- SurtaiHan
- slepc
- Michael Lange
- Dominic Meiser
- Xuan Zhou
- baagaard
- dmay23
- tmunson
- emconsta
- Debojyoti Ghosh
- Lawrence Mitchell
- Patrick Sanan
- bourdin
Title: Time series of epileptic seizures in a 8yo male on a cannabidiol trial
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Simulation of GW150914 binary black hole merger using the Einstein Toolkit
Dataset 2016
Contributors: -
Title: Flowminder/FlowKit: 1.14.5
Software 2021
Contributors:- Jonathan Gray
- maxalbert
- James Harrison
- Bhavin Panchal
- Dan Williams
- OwlHute
- Guilherme Zagatti
- flowstef
- Christopher J Brooks
- The Gitter Badger
Title: Flowminder/FlowKit: 1.12.0
Software 2020
Contributors:- Jonathan Gray
- maxalbert
- James Harrison
- Bhavin Panchal
- Dan Williams
- OwlHute
- Guilherme Zagatti
- Christopher J Brooks
- The Gitter Badger
Title: Flowminder/FlowKit: 1.6.0
Software 2020
Contributors:- Jonathan Gray
- maxalbert
- James Harrison
- Bhavin Panchal
- Dan Williams
- OwlHute
- Guilherme Zagatti
- Christopher J Brooks
- The Gitter Badger