44 results returned
Title: Long-Term evolution of non-transform discontinuities at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24°N - 27°30′N
Dataset 2018-12
Contributors: -
Title: Vicky-Zh/Tracking_and_forecasting_milepost_moments_of_COVID-19: First release
Software 2020
Contributors: -
Title: petsc: PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
Software 2016
Contributors:- Barry Smith
- Satish Balay
- Matthew Knepley
- Jed Brown
- Lois Curfman McInnes
- Hong Zhang
- Peter Brune
- sarich
- Dmitry Karpeyev
- Lisandro Dalcin
- stefanozampini
- markadams
- Victor Minden
- VictorEijkhout
- vijaysm
- tisaac
- Karl Rupp
- SurtaiHan
- slepc
- Michael Lange
- Dominic Meiser
- Xuan Zhou
- baagaard
- dmay23
- tmunson
- emconsta
- Debojyoti Ghosh
- Lawrence Mitchell
- Patrick Sanan
- bourdin
Title: Data and code for changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Zhang, Juanjuan
- Litvinova, Maria
- Liang, Yuxia
- Wang, Yan
- Wang, Wei
- Zhao, Shanlu
- Wu, Qianhui
- Merler, Stefano
- Viboud, Cecile
- Vespignani, Alessandro
- Ajelli, Marco
- Yu, Hongjie
Title: Detailed data sets of MMP-cliffs, SAR transfer series, RECAP-MMPs and compound activities
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: pre-publication snapshot
Software 2020
Contributors:- Nicholas G Reich
- Jarad Niemi
- Katie House
- Abdul Hannan
- Estee Cramer
- Steve Horstman
- Shanghong Xie
- Youyang Gu
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- Johannes Bracher
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Casey Gibson
- Spencer Woody
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Robert Walraven
- har96
- Xinyu Zhang
- jinghuichen
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Hannah Biegel
- Lauren Castro
- YueyingWang
- qjhong
- Elizabeth Lee
- Arden Baxter
- Sangeeta Bhatia
- Evan Ray
- abrennen
- ERDC CV19 Modeling Team
Title: BART: version 0.2.06
Software 2015
Contributors:- Martin Uecker
- Frank Ong
- Jonathan I. Tamir
- Dara Bahri
- Patrick Virtue
- Joseph Y. Cheng
- Tao Zhang
- Michael Lustig
Title: Concentrations of dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes (Th-232, Th-230, Pa-231) in seawater, sea ice, and melt ponds collected during the U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) on USCGC Healy from August to October 2015
Dataset 2021-02-26
Contributors:- Vivancos, Sebastian M.
- Anderson, Robert F.
- Fleisher, Martin Q.
- Zhang, Pu
- Li, Xianglei
- Edwards, R. Lawrence
- Cheng, Hai
Title: Data and code for changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in China
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Zhang, Juanjuan
- Litvinova, Maria
- Liang, Yuxia
- Wang, Yan
- Wang, Wei
- Zhao, Shanlu
- Wu, Qianhui
- Merler, Stefano
- Viboud, Cecile
- Vespignani, Alessandro
- Ajelli, Marco
- Yu, Hongjie
Title: Concentrations of dissolved thorium and protactinium isotopes (Th-232, Th-230, Pa-231) in seawater, sea ice, and melt ponds collected during the U.S. GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502, GN01) on USCGC Healy from August to October 2015
Dataset 2022-05-13
Contributors:- Vivancos, Sebastian M.
- Anderson, Robert F.
- Fleisher, Martin Q.
- Zhang, Pu
- Li, Xianglei
- Edwards, R. Lawrence
- Cheng, Hai