67 results returned
Title: Temporal and spatial variability of the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric molecular hydrogen: observations at six EUROHYDROS stations
Dataset 2013
Contributors:- Batenburg, Anneke
- Walter, Sylvia
- Pieterse, Gerben
- Levin, Ingeborg
- Schmidt, Martina
- Jordan, Armin
- Hammer, Samuel
- Yver, Camille
- Röckmann, Thomas
Title: Pre-processed data of atlas in EUCP-WP2
Dataset 2021
Contributors:- Liu, Yang
- Kalverla, Peter
- Alidoost, Fakhereh
- Verhoeven, Stefan
- Vreede, Barbara
- Booth, Ben
- Coppola, Erika
- Nogherotto, Rita
- Brunner, Lukas
- Harris, Glen
- Qasmi, Said
- Ballinger, Andrew
- Hegerl, Gabriele
- McSweeney, Carol
- O'Reilly, Christopher
- Palmer, Tamzin
- Ribes, Aurélien
- de Vries, Hylke
Title: Pre-processed data of atlas in EUCP-WP2
Dataset 2021
Contributors:- Liu, Yang
- Kalverla, Peter
- Alidoost, Fakhereh
- Verhoeven, Stefan
- Vreede, Barbara
- Booth, Ben
- Coppola, Erika
- Nogherotto, Rita
- Brunner, Lukas
- Harris, Glen
- Qasmi, Said
- Ballinger, Andrew
- Hegerl, Gabriele
- McSweeney, Carol
- O'Reilly, Christopher
- Palmer, Tamzin
- Ribes, Aurélien
- de Vries, Hylke
Title: python-pillow/Pillow: 7.2.0
Software 2020
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- wiredfool
- Andrew Murray
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- nulano
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Alastair Houghton
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Sandro Mani
- Steve Landey
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason
- David Caro
- Steve Kossouho
- Riley Lahd
- Antony Lee
- Eric W. Brown
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Mickael Bonfill
- Peter Rowlands (변기호)
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- Michał Górny
- Mikhail Korobov
- Marcin Kurczewski
- Ben Yang
Title: BETYdb 3.2.1
Software 2014
Contributors:- gsrohde
- Carl Crott
- mulroony
- Jeremy Kemball
- David LeBauer
- Rob Kooper
- phenolphtalein
- jschen3
- andrewshirk
- Zhengqi Yang
- udaysaraf
- MarvinJ
- Michael Dietze
Title: BETYdb 3.0.4
Software 2014
Contributors:- gsrohde
- Carl Crott
- mulroony
- Jeremy Kemball
- David LeBauer
- jschen3
- Rob Kooper
- phenolphtalein
- andrewshirk
- Zhengqi Yang
- udaysaraf
- Michael Dietze