60 results returned
Title: Event logs from the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank project, from 10 vessels and 104 cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area from 1994-1999 (GB project)
Dataset 2019-02-18
Contributors:- Ashjian, Carin J.
- Bollens, Steve M.
- Bucklin, Ann
- Campbell, Robert
- Davis, Cabell S.
- Durbin, Edward
- Gallager, Scott
- Garrahan, Peter
- Gibson, James
- Gifford, Dian J.
- Green, John
- Greene, Charles H
- Hebert, Dave
- Horgan, Erich
- Houghton, Robert W
- Incze, Lewis
- Irish, Jim
- Ledwell, James R.
- Lentz, Steve
- Limeburner, Richard
- Lough, Greg
- Madin, Laurence P.
- Miller, Charles B.
- Mountain, David
- Oakey, Neil
- Schlitz, Ronald
- Sibunka, John
- Smith, Peter C.
- Taylor, Maureen
- Weller, Robert A.
- Wiebe, Peter H.
- Williams, Albert J.
- Wishner, Karen
- Lee, Craig
Title: Event log from R/V Sikuliaq SKQ201701S from January to February 2017
Dataset 2021-07-13
Contributors: -
Title: XMI-MSIM 5.0
Software 2014
Contributors:- Schoonjans, Tom
- Vincze, Laszlo
- Solé, Vicente Armando
- Sanchez del Rio, Manuel
- Brondeel, Philip
- Silversmit, Geert
- Appel, Karen
- Ferrero, Claudio
Title: Community feedback collected between June 2019 and February 2020 on how researchers search and access new data for research as well as feedback on potential enhancements to help improve BCO-DMO’s service to the research community.
Dataset 2020-10-06
Contributors:- Haskins, Christina
- Soenen, Karen
- Biddle, Mathew
- Copley, Nancy
- Rauch, Shannon
- York, Amber D.
- Kinkade, Danie
- Shepherd, Adam
- Saito, Mak A.
- Wiebe, Peter H.
Title: Field conditions during grazing experiments in Kaneohe Bay, HI during 2012-2013 (EAGER: Copepod nauplii project)
Dataset 2021-01-20
Contributors: -
Title: Flow cytometry results for naupliar grazing laboratory experiments conducted from 2012-2013 (EAGER: Copepod nauplii project)
Dataset 2021-01-19