164 results returned
Title: Reproducible Research: Walking the Walk
Software 2014
Contributors:- Matt McCormick
- Luis Ibanez
- Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin
- Aashish Chaudhary
- Ana Nelson
- Jeffrey Spies
- Steve Smith
Title: reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: pre-publication snapshot
Software 2020
Contributors:- Nicholas G Reich
- Jarad Niemi
- Katie House
- Abdul Hannan
- Estee Cramer
- Steve Horstman
- Shanghong Xie
- Youyang Gu
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- Johannes Bracher
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Casey Gibson
- Spencer Woody
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Robert Walraven
- har96
- Xinyu Zhang
- jinghuichen
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Hannah Biegel
- Lauren Castro
- YueyingWang
- qjhong
- Elizabeth Lee
- Arden Baxter
- Sangeeta Bhatia
- Evan Ray
- abrennen
- ERDC CV19 Modeling Team
Title: python-pillow/Pillow 3.3.1
Software 2016
Contributors:- wiredfool
- Hugo van Kemenade
- Andrew Murray
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- nulano
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Alastair Houghton
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Steve Landey
- Sandro Mani
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason
- David Caro
- Riley Lahd
- Steve Kossouho
- Mickael Bonfill
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Eric W. Brown
- Antony Lee
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- Marcin Kurczewski
- Mikhail Korobov
- Michał Górny
- Marcus Brinkmann
- Ben Yang
Title: Pillow: 3.0.0
Software 2015
Contributors:- wiredfool
- Alex Clark
- Hugo van Kemenade
- Andrew Murray
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Christoph Gohlke
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Alastair Houghton
- Steve Johnson
- Sandro Mani
- Josh Ware
- David Caro
- Steve Kossouho
- Eric W. Brown
- Antony Lee
- Mikhail Korobov
- Michał Górny
- Esteban Santana Santana
- Nicolas Pieuchot
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Michael Brown
- Benoit Pierre
- Joaquín Cuenca Abela
- Lars Jørgen Solberg
- Felipe Reyes
- Alexey Buzanov
- Yifu Yu
- eliempje
- Fredrik Tolf
Title: OpenScienceMOOC/Module-5-Open-Research-Software-and-Open-Source: Third release
Software 2018
Contributors:- Jon Tennant
- Simon Worthington
- Tania Allard
- Philipp Zumstein
- Daniel S. Katz
- Alexander Morley
- Stephan Druskat
- Julien Colomb
- Arfon Smith
- inacsmith
- Tobias Steiner
- Rutger Vos
- Konrad Förstner
- Heidi Seibold
- Alessandro Sarretta
- Abigail Cabunoc Mayes
Title: Binary black-hole surrogate waveform catalog
Dataset 2018
Contributors:- Scott E. Field
- Chad R. Galley
- Jan S. Hesthaven
- Jason Kaye
- Manuel Tiglio
- Jonathan Blackman
- Béla Szilágyi
- Mark A. Scheel
- Daniel A. Hemberger
- Patricia Schmidt
- Rory Smith
- Christian D. Ott
- Michael Boyle
- Lawrence E. Kidder
- Harald P. Pfeiffer
- Vijay Varma
Title: Binary black-hole surrogate waveform catalog
Dataset 2017
Contributors:- Scott E. Field
- Chad R. Galley
- Jan S. Hesthaven
- Jason Kaye
- Manuel Tiglio
- Jonathan Blackman
- Béla Szilágyi
- Mark A. Scheel
- Daniel A. Hemberger
- Patricia Schmidt
- Rory Smith
- Christian D. Ott
- Michael Boyle
- Lawrence E. Kidder
- Harald P. Pfeiffer
Title: Data from the Karnali Basin, Nepal used in Smith et al. doi:10.5194/nhess-16-1-2016
Dataset 2017
Contributors: -
Title: Binary black-hole surrogate waveform catalog
Dataset 2015
Contributors:- Scott E. Field
- Chad R. Galley
- Jan S. Hesthaven
- Jason Kaye
- Manuel Tiglio
- Jonathan Blackman
- Béla Szilágyi
- Mark A. Scheel
- Daniel A. Hemberger
- Patricia Schmidt
- Rory Smith
- Christian D. Ott
- Michael Boyle
- Lawrence E. Kidder
- Harald P. Pfeiffer
Title: python-pillow/Pillow 7.1.1
Software 2020
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- wiredfool
- Andrew Murray
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- nulano
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Alastair Houghton
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Steve Landey
- Sandro Mani
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason
- David Caro
- Riley Lahd
- Steve Kossouho
- Mickael Bonfill
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Eric W. Brown
- Antony Lee
- Peter Rowlands (변기호)
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- Marcin Kurczewski
- Mikhail Korobov
- Michał Górny
- Ben Yang
Title: Pillow: 3.1.0
Software 2016
Contributors:- wiredfool
- Alex Clark
- Hugo
- Andrew Murray
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Christoph Gohlke
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Alastair Houghton
- Steve Johnson
- Sandro Mani
- Josh Ware
- David Caro
- Steve Kossouho
- Eric W. Brown
- Antony Lee
- Mikhail Korobov
- Michał Górny
- Esteban Santana Santana
- Nicolas Pieuchot
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Michael Brown
- Benoit Pierre
- Joaquín Cuenca Abela
- Lars Jørgen Solberg
- Felipe Reyes
- Alexey Buzanov
- Yifu Yu
- eliempje
- Fredrik Tolf
Title: Lpc Algorithm in a C++ Environment (LACE)
Software 2014
Contributors:- John Back
- Gary Barker
- Steve Boyd
- Jochen Einbeck
- Martin Haigh
- Ben Morgan
- Ben Oakley
- Yorck Ramachers
- Dan Roythorne
Title: django-salesforce v0.3.1
Software 2014
Contributors:- Phil Christensen
- Hynek Cernoch
- jakeatmacllc
- Steve Bussetti
- Reggie Dugard
- Joshua Barone
- Bryan Alsdorf
- Benjamin Wohlwend
Title: python-pillow/Pillow: 8.3.0
Software 2021
Contributors:- Hugo van Kemenade
- Andrew Murray
- wiredfool
- Alex Clark
- Alexander Karpinsky
- Ondrej Baranovič
- Christoph Gohlke
- Jon Dufresne
- Brian Crowell
- David Schmidt
- Konstantin Kopachev
- Alastair Houghton
- Sandro Mani
- Steve Landey
- vashek
- Josh Ware
- Jason Douglas
- Stanislau T.
- David Caro
- Uriel Martinez
- Steve Kossouho
- Riley Lahd
- Antony Lee
- Eric W. Brown
- Oliver Tonnhofer
- Mickael Bonfill
- Peter Rowlands (변기호)
- Fahad Al-Saidi
- German Novikov
Title: dfm/corner.py: corner.py v.2.2.1
Software 2021
Contributors:- Dan Foreman-Mackey
- Adrian Price-Whelan
- Will Vousden
- Geoffrey Ryan
- Matt Pitkin
- Víctor Zabalza
- jsheyl
- Arfon Smith
- Gregory Ashton
- Leo Singer
- Michael Smith
- Emily Rice
- Alex Nitz
- Brendon J. Brewer
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- David W. Hogg
- Eric Gentry
- Hanno Rein
- Hennadii Madan
- Ian Czekala
- James Tocknell
- Kyle Barbary
- Remy Prechelt
- Stephan Hoyer
- Thomas A Caswell
- Wolfgang Kerzendorf
- Kelle Cruz
Title: dfm/corner.py: corner.py v.2.2.0
Software 2021
Contributors:- Dan Foreman-Mackey
- Adrian Price-Whelan
- Will Vousden
- Geoffrey Ryan
- Matt Pitkin
- Víctor Zabalza
- jsheyl
- Arfon Smith
- Gregory Ashton
- Leo Singer
- Michael Smith
- Emily Rice
- Brendon J. Brewer
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- David W. Hogg
- Eric Gentry
- Hanno Rein
- Hennadii Madan
- Ian Czekala
- James Tocknell
- Kyle Barbary
- Remy Prechelt
- Stephan Hoyer
- Thomas A Caswell
- Wolfgang Kerzendorf
- Kelle Cruz