1,100 results returned
Title: tohoku2011-paper2: For figures in revised paper submitted Sept. 2014
Software 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Oyster density of restored reef edge/interior in Quonochontaug Pond, RI in May 2019
Dataset 2022-11-02
Contributors: -
Title: The implications of intraspecific trait variation from fish sampled in Rhode Island salt ponds from June to October 2018
Dataset 2022-04-06
Contributors: -
Title: Database of published habitat restoration studies from 1995, 2005, and 2015
Dataset 2021-05-19
Contributors: -
Title: Vegetative density data from two surveys of eelgrass flowering in shallow and deep zones at four different sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019
Dataset 2021-04-01
Contributors: -
Title: Seed counts from a survey of the shallow and deep zones at four different sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019
Dataset 2021-04-01
Contributors: -
Title: DNA microsatellite alleles for hatchery-produced oyster cohorts
Dataset 2019-06-11