1,217 results returned
Title: Temperature from a thermistor chain deployed along a 30m depth contour at Mission Beach, CA in June of 2016
Dataset 2020-01-02
Contributors: -
Title: Profile data from WireWalker deployments at Mission Beach, California in 2016 at a 50m depth
Dataset 2020-01-02
Contributors: -
Title: The rheological behavior of CO2 ice: application to glacial flow on Mars
Dataset 2020-10-13
Contributors: -
Title: How does viscosity contrast influence phase mixing and strain localization?
Dataset 2020-07-07
Contributors: -
Title: Improved Lapack wrap. Other bugfixes
Software 2014
Contributors:- Miles
- srwhite59
- Jessica Alfonsi
- Andrey Antipov
- Lucas O. Wagner
- SDepenbrock
- g1257
- Erik Schnetter
- jgukelberger
Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon concentrations collected at the Mo’orea LTER forereef and back reef sites during the 2019 coral bleaching event.
Dataset 2021-07-09
Contributors: -
Title: 16S gene sequencing of microbial communities in South China Sea sediments from January to March 2014
Dataset 2021-05-20
Contributors: -
Title: CTD log at the oxygen deficient zone of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific (ETNP) for RV/Atlantis cruise AT37-12, April-May 2017
Dataset 2019-12-09