638 results returned
Title: Images of cellular ultrastructure of benthic foraminifera from Arctic seeps
Dataset 2021-11-01
Contributors: -
Title: Oyster density of restored reef edge/interior in Quonochontaug Pond, RI in May 2019
Dataset 2022-11-02
Contributors: -
Title: Database summarizing independent studies of nekton taxa associated with oyster reefs
Dataset 2021-03-25
Contributors: -
Title: John Dowling discusses George Wald and H. Keffer Hartline
Moving Image 2015-04-09
Contributors: -
Title: ADCP data from the TBeam A1 mooring deployed in the Tasman Sea between January 10 and February 28, 2015.
Dataset 2022-09-16
Contributors: -
Title: Gas phase acid, ammonia and aerosol ionic and trace element concentrations at Cape Verde during the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) 2007 intensive sampling period
Dataset 2013
Contributors:- Sander, R.
- Pszenny, A. A. P.
- Keene, W. C.
- Crete, E.
- Deegan, B.
- Long, M. S.
- Maben, J. R.
- Young, A. H.
Title: Weak probe readout of coherent impurity orbital superpositions in silicon
Dataset 2016
Contributors: -
Title: dfm/python-fsps: python-fsps v0.4.0
Software 2021
Contributors:- Ben Johnson
- Dan Foreman-Mackey
- Jonathan Sick
- Joel Leja
- Nell Byler
- Mike Walmsley
- Erik Tollerud
- Henry Leung
- Spencer Scott
Title: Flowminder/FlowKit: 1.14.5
Software 2021
Contributors:- Jonathan Gray
- maxalbert
- James Harrison
- Bhavin Panchal
- Dan Williams
- OwlHute
- Guilherme Zagatti
- flowstef
- Christopher J Brooks
- The Gitter Badger
Title: Supplementary Structural Models (SARS-CoV-2 Spike-RBD:ACE2 complex and TMPRSS2) - SARS-CoV-2 spike protein predicted to form complexes with host receptor protein orthologues from a broad range of mammals
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Lam, Su Datt
- Bordin, Nicola
- Waman, Vaishali
- Scholes, Harry M
- Ashford, Paul
- Sen, Neeladri
- van Dorp, Lucy
- Rauer, Clemens
- Dawson, Natalie L.
- Pang, Camilla
- Abbasian, Mahnaz
- Sillitoe, Ian
- Edwards, Sarah
- Fraternali, Franca
- Lees, Jonathan
- Santini, Joanne
- Orengo, Christine