176 results returned
Title: reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: pre-publication snapshot
Software 2020
Contributors:- Nicholas G Reich
- Jarad Niemi
- Katie House
- Abdul Hannan
- Estee Cramer
- Steve Horstman
- Shanghong Xie
- Youyang Gu
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- Johannes Bracher
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Casey Gibson
- Spencer Woody
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Robert Walraven
- har96
- Xinyu Zhang
- jinghuichen
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Hannah Biegel
- Lauren Castro
- YueyingWang
- qjhong
- Elizabeth Lee
- Arden Baxter
- Sangeeta Bhatia
- Evan Ray
- abrennen
- ERDC CV19 Modeling Team
Title: COVID-19 Forecast Hub: 4 December 2020 snapshot
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Estee Cramer
- Nicholas G Reich
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Jarad Niemi
- Abdul Hannan
- Katie House
- Youyang Gu
- Shanghong Xie
- Steve Horstman
- aniruddhadiga
- Robert Walraven
- starkari
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Graham Gibson
- Lauren Castro
- Dean Karlen
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- jinghuichen
- zyt9lsb
- aagarwal1996
- Spencer Woody
- Evan Ray
- Frost Tianjian Xu
- Hannah Biegel
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Johannes Bracher
- Elizabeth Lee
- har96
- leyouz
Title: HopkinsIDD/hit-covid: pre data-descriptor submission
Software 2020
Contributors:- Zheng, Qulu
- Jones, Forrest
- Ung, Lawson
- Leavitt, Sarah V
- Labrique, Alain B
- Peters, David
- Lee, Elizabeth C
- Azman, Andrew S
Title: Basic CTD hydrography data collected during R/V Savannah cruises conducted in the South Atlantic Bight off the coast of Georgia from 2015-2017
Dataset 2020-06-23
Contributors: -
Title: Event logs from the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank project, from 10 vessels and 104 cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank area from 1994-1999 (GB project)
Dataset 2019-02-18
Contributors:- Ashjian, Carin J.
- Bollens, Steve M.
- Bucklin, Ann
- Campbell, Robert
- Davis, Cabell S.
- Durbin, Edward
- Gallager, Scott
- Garrahan, Peter
- Gibson, James
- Gifford, Dian J.
- Green, John
- Greene, Charles H
- Hebert, Dave
- Horgan, Erich
- Houghton, Robert W
- Incze, Lewis
- Irish, Jim
- Ledwell, James R.
- Lentz, Steve
- Limeburner, Richard
- Lough, Greg
- Madin, Laurence P.
- Miller, Charles B.
- Mountain, David
- Oakey, Neil
- Schlitz, Ronald
- Sibunka, John
- Smith, Peter C.
- Taylor, Maureen
- Weller, Robert A.
- Wiebe, Peter H.
- Williams, Albert J.
- Wishner, Karen
- Lee, Craig