44 results returned
Title: VERTIGO project Sediment Trap Fluxes of mass, elements and phytoplankton pigments data from KM0414 and RR_K2 cruises
Dataset 2010-12-01
Contributors: -
Title: Coastal water biogeochemistry collected aboard the R/V Endeavor along the North Atlantic coast from 2017-08-20 to 2017-08-28
Dataset 2019-09-13
Contributors: -
Title: ropensci/arkdb: arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
Software 2018
Contributors: -
Title: BETYdb hotfix 1
Software 2014
Contributors:- gsrohde
- Carl Crott
- mulroony
- Jeremy Kemball
- David LeBauer
- jschen3
- Rob Kooper
- phenolphtalein
- andrewshirk
- Zhengqi Yang
- udaysaraf
- Michael Dietze
Title: ropensci/arkdb: arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
Software 2018
Contributors: -
Title: bety: BETYdb 3.2.4
Software 2014
Contributors:- gsrohde
- Carl Crott
- mulroony
- Jeremy Kemball
- David LeBauer
- Rob Kooper
- YL
- jschen3
- andrewshirk
- Zhengqi Yang
- MarvinJ
- udaysaraf
- Michael Dietze
Title: BETYdb 3.1 hotfix 1
Software 2014
Contributors:- gsrohde
- Carl Crott
- mulroony
- Jeremy Kemball
- David LeBauer
- phenolphtalein
- Rob Kooper
- jschen3
- andrewshirk
- Zhengqi Yang
- udaysaraf
- MarvinJ
- Michael Dietze
Title: ropensci/arkdb: arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
Software 2018
Contributors: -
Title: ropensci/arkdb: arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
Software 2018
Contributors: -
Title: BETYdb 3.0.5
Software 2014
Contributors:- gsrohde
- Carl Crott
- mulroony
- Jeremy Kemball
- David LeBauer
- Rob Kooper
- jschen3
- phenolphtalein
- andrewshirk
- Zhengqi Yang
- udaysaraf
- MarvinJ
- Michael Dietze
Title: ropensci/arkdb: arkdb: Archive and Unarchive Databases Using Flat Files
Software 2018