22 results returned
Title: Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) frond growth data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2017 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Sea urchin frequency and diameters as surveyed in Sitka Sound and Torch Bay, Alaska
Dataset 2021-07-14
Contributors: -
Title: Benthic community cover and counts in Sitka Sound and Torch Bay, Alaska from 1988 to 2019
Dataset 2021-07-14
Contributors: -
Title: Abalone consumption rates from experiment at the Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC) from June-October 2017 (High latitude kelp dynamics project)
Dataset 2022-03-23
Contributors: -
Title: Kelp understory blade growth data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2018 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Macroalgal carbon and nitrogen data collected as part of macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2018 to 2020
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Plant biomass and foliar standing crop (FSC) data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2010 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Kelp retention data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2017 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Nutrient monitoring data collected as part of macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2016 to 2020
Dataset 2022-10-17