681 results returned
Title: Replication code and data for Value of a Statistical Life Under Large Mortality Risk Change
Software 2020
Contributors: -
Title: Weak probe readout of coherent impurity orbital superpositions in silicon
Dataset 2016
Contributors: -
Title: julia: 0.3.5 bugfix release
Software 2015
Contributors:- Jeff Bezanson
- Stefan Karpinski
- Viral B. Shah
- Keno Fischer
- Jameson Nash
- Mike Nolta
- Tim Holy
- Carlo Baldassi
- Jiahao Chen
- Elliot Saba
- Steven G. Johnson
- Andreas Noack
- Tony Kelman
- Kevin Squire
- Stephan Boyer
- Patrick O'Leary
- Dahua Lin
- Isaiah
- Simon Kornblith
- Douglas Bates
- Jacob Quinn
- Amit Murthy
- Ivar Nesje
- Jake Bolewski
- Simon Byrne
- Alessandro Andrioni
- George Xing
- Tanmay Mohapatra
- rfourquet
- Avik Sengupta
Title: take-care-of-the-elderly
Software 2014
Contributors:- Daniel Black
- Yaroslav Halchenko
- Cyril Jaquier
- Steven Hiscocks
- leeclemens
- Ivo Truxa
- buanzo
- James Stout
- Mark McKinstry
- Cameron Norman
- enrico
- alasdairdc
- hamilton5
- leftyfb
- bes-internal
- Viktor Szépe
- JoelSnyder
- hlein
- ArndRa
- Morgan Soulard
- Tom Hendrikx
- aseques
- Andy Fragen
- yungchin
- Serg G. Brester
- Ruben Kerkhof
- Orion Poplawski
- Michael Gebetsroither
- Jason Martin
- Erwan Ben Souiden