23 results returned
Title: Numbers and shares of Open Access Journals in Sociology using Creative Commons Licenses, June 2014
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Share of Open Access Journals among the Sociology Journals with the highest Journal Impact Factors (2002-2012)
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Shares of Open Access journals charging publication fees per country
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Numbers and shares of Open Access Journals in Sociology charging publication fees (article processing charges APCs)
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Sociological Books and Book Chapters indexed in Thomson Scientific's Book Citation Index by country and language
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Open Access Status of the 20 Journals with the highest JIF-Scores within the Subject Category General & Internal Medicine
Dataset 2014
Contributors: -
Title: Subject Categories of the twenty journals with the highest Journal Impact Factors
Dataset 2014