1,279 results returned
Title: Size and density of Gorgonia ventalina from 2013-2019, St. John, US Virgin Islands
Dataset 2020-11-02
Contributors: -
Title: Octocoral colony height pooled by taxon and year from surveys conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014 to 2017
Dataset 2020-02-14
Contributors: -
Title: Field observations from long-term monitoring sites in St. John, USVI.
Dataset 2019-03-25
Contributors: -
Title: Symbiodinium algae in foraminifer and corals in St. John, USVI.
Dataset 2019-03-25
Contributors: -
Title: Demography of coral in the future and various physical parameter predictions.
Dataset 2019-03-21
Contributors: -
Title: Measurements of rainfall and surface light intensity (PAR) in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2014-2017.
Dataset 2018-08-22
Contributors: -
Title: Tank seawater conditions from Coral/Temperature/pCO2 Experiments at LTER site in Moorea, French Polynesia, 2011 (OA_Corals project)
Dataset 2016-04-11
Contributors: -
Title: Morphology and features of Millepora colonies at Cabritte Horn (St.John, US Virgin Islands) from 1992-2021
Dataset 2022-06-20
Contributors: -
Title: Coral cover, density, and recruits averages per year in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 2007-2016
Dataset 2021-10-27
Contributors: -
Title: Mean monthly seawater temperatures in St. John, US Virgin Islands from 1989-2016
Dataset 2021-05-24
Contributors: -
Title: The density of Porites astreoides in the first 18 quadrats of the transect at St. John, VI from 2000 to 2019
Dataset 2021-03-08