251 results returned
Title: GPUImage 0.1.5
Software 2014
Contributors:- Brad Larson
- Karl von Randow
- Jeff Johnson
- Ernesto Rivera
- Jake Gundersen
- William LaFrance
- Omer Duzyol
- Keitaroh Kobayashi
- Chris Williams
- Alaric Cole
- Cameron Perry
- Hugues Lismonde
- Tom Corwine
- Slavik Romanuk
- Jonathan Ellis
- Brett Gibson
- Ian Simon
- Alex Burgel
- MattFoley
- Matthew Clark
- Lev Zelenskiy
- Sergey Gavrilyuk
- marcantonio
- Jorge Garcia
- Jon Campbell
- Josh Holat
- JensDee
- Jamie Matthews
- Daniel Garcia
- Alex Chugunov
Title: Summer at the Marine Biological Laboratory
Moving Image 2013-04-24
Contributors:- Vale, Ron
- Mullins, Dyche
- Galbraith, Jim
- Galbraith, Catherine
- Garcia, Hernan
- Fletcher, Dan
- Waterman, Clare
- Phillips, Rob
- Gladfelter, Amy
- Hogan, Deborah
- O'Toole, George
- Conway, Isaac
Title: Additive interfacial chiral interaction in multilayers for stabilization of small individual skyrmion at room temperature
Dataset 2016
Contributors:- Moreau-Luchaire, Constance
- Moutafis, Christoforos
- Reyren, Nicolas
- Sampaio, José
- Bouzehouane, Karim
- Deranlot, Cyrile
- Warnicke, P.
- Vaz, C.A.F
- Van Horne, N
- Garcia, Karin
- Wohlhüter, P.
- George, Jean-marie
- Weigand, M.
- Raabe, Jörg
- Cros, Vincent
- Fert, Albert
Title: POM concentrations for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from GO-SHIP Line C13.5/A13.5 in 2020
Dataset 2022-02-01
Contributors: -
Title: nf-core/viralrecon: nf-core/viralrecon v2.3.1 - Patched Copper Coatimundi
Software 2022
Contributors:- Harshil Patel
- Sarai Varona
- Sara Monzón
- Jose Espinosa-Carrasco
- Michael L Heuer
- Anthony Underwood
- Gisela Gabernet
- nf-core bot
- Phil Ewels
- MiguelJulia
- Stephen Kelly
- Erika
- Katrin Sameith
- Maxime U. Garcia
- jcurado
- Kevin Menden
Title: 1000 Backlinks to facebook.com (08-Nov-2014) -- 24-Nov Update -- varocarbas.com
Dataset 2014