1,186 results returned
Title: CTD casts collected at station Kahe and ALOHA between June 15 and June 24, 2019 onboard R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1910.
Dataset 2022-01-12
Contributors: -
Title: Sinking particle from R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1910 in June 2019
Dataset 2021-08-24
Contributors:- Church, Matthew J.
- Maloney, Ashley
- Subhas, Adam V.
- Black, Erin
- Kenyon, Jennifer
- White, Angelicque E.
- Goetze, Erica
- Ferron, Sara
Title: Expression Data from "A novel multi-network approach reveals tissue-specific cellular modulators of fibrosis in systemic sclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary arterial hypertension"
Dataset 2016
Contributors:- Jaclyn N Taroni
- Casey S Greene
- Viktor Martyanov
- Tammara A Wood
- Romy B Christmann
- Harrison W Farber
- Robert A Lafyatis
- Christopher P Denton
- Monique E Hinchcliff
- Patricia A Pioli
- J Matthew Mahoney
- Michael L Whitfield
Title: Detecting East Asian Prejudice on Social Media
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Bertie Vidgen
- Austin Botelho
- David Broniatowski
- Ella Guest
- Matthew Hall
- Helen Margetts
- Rebekah Tromble
- Zeerak Waseem
- Scott Hale
Title: petsc: PETSc: Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
Software 2016
Contributors:- Barry Smith
- Satish Balay
- Matthew Knepley
- Jed Brown
- Lois Curfman McInnes
- Hong Zhang
- Peter Brune
- sarich
- Dmitry Karpeyev
- Lisandro Dalcin
- stefanozampini
- markadams
- Victor Minden
- VictorEijkhout
- vijaysm
- tisaac
- Karl Rupp
- SurtaiHan
- slepc
- Michael Lange
- Dominic Meiser
- Xuan Zhou
- baagaard
- dmay23
- tmunson
- emconsta
- Debojyoti Ghosh
- Lawrence Mitchell
- Patrick Sanan
- bourdin