380 results returned
Title: Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) frond growth data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2017 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Kelp understory blade growth data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2018 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Macroalgal carbon and nitrogen data collected as part of macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2018 to 2020
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Plant biomass and foliar standing crop (FSC) data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2010 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Kelp retention data from macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2017 to 2019
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: Nutrient monitoring data collected as part of macroalgal surveys in Sitka Sound, Alaska kelp beds from 2016 to 2020
Dataset 2022-10-17
Contributors: -
Title: COVID-19 Forecast Hub: 4 December 2020 snapshot
Dataset 2020
Contributors:- Estee Cramer
- Nicholas G Reich
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Jarad Niemi
- Abdul Hannan
- Katie House
- Youyang Gu
- Shanghong Xie
- Steve Horstman
- aniruddhadiga
- Robert Walraven
- starkari
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Graham Gibson
- Lauren Castro
- Dean Karlen
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- jinghuichen
- zyt9lsb
- aagarwal1996
- Spencer Woody
- Evan Ray
- Frost Tianjian Xu
- Hannah Biegel
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Johannes Bracher
- Elizabeth Lee
- har96
- leyouz
Title: reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: pre-publication snapshot
Software 2020
Contributors:- Nicholas G Reich
- Jarad Niemi
- Katie House
- Abdul Hannan
- Estee Cramer
- Steve Horstman
- Shanghong Xie
- Youyang Gu
- Nutcha Wattanachit
- Johannes Bracher
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Casey Gibson
- Spencer Woody
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Robert Walraven
- har96
- Xinyu Zhang
- jinghuichen
- GuidoEspana
- Xinyue X
- Hannah Biegel
- Lauren Castro
- YueyingWang
- qjhong
- Elizabeth Lee
- Arden Baxter
- Sangeeta Bhatia
- Evan Ray
- abrennen
- ERDC CV19 Modeling Team
Title: reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: release for Zenodo 20220227
Software 2022
Contributors:- Estee Cramer
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Nicholas G Reich
- Abdul Hannan
- Jarad Niemi
- Evan Ray
- Katie House
- Yuxin David Huang
- Ariane Stark
- Robert Walraven
- aniruddhadiga
- Shanghong Xie
- Dean Karlen
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- rjpagano
- Youyang Gu
- zyt9lsb
- Aaron Gerding
- Xinyue X
- Lauren Castro
- mzorn-58
- Frost Tianjian Xu
- stevemcconnell
- Graham Gibson
- leyouz
- Matt Le
- Steve Horstman
- Hannah Biegel
- EpiDeep
Title: reichlab/covid19-forecast-hub: release for Zenodo, 20210816
Software 2021
Contributors:- Estee Cramer
- Serena Yijin Wang
- Nicholas G Reich
- Abdul Hannan
- Jarad Niemi
- Katie House
- Yuxin David Huang
- Ariane Stark
- Evan Ray
- Shanghong Xie
- Robert Walraven
- Youyang Gu
- aniruddhadiga
- zyt9lsb
- Lauren Castro
- Graham Gibson
- mzorn-58
- Michael Lingzhi Li
- Dean Karlen
- Xinyue X
- Steve Horstman
- Frost Tianjian Xu
- leyouz
- rjpagano
- stevemcconnell
- Hannah Biegel
- jinghuichen
- Apurv Shah
- mpbrenner
Title: bolliger32/gpl-covid: medRxiv update 2
Software 2020
Contributors:- Ian Bolliger
- jeanettelt
- dpa9694
- Kendon Bell
- Trinetta
- sannanphan
- estherrolf
- Yue 'Luna' Huang
- hdruckenmiller
- ekrasovich
- peiley
- andyhultgren
- Jaecheol Lee