608 results returned
Title: DYEatom Metatranscriptome metadata from RV/Point Sur cruise PS1312 in the Monterey Bay area, June-July 2013
Dataset 2019-07-31
Contributors: -
Title: Golo 1.0.0
Software 2014
Contributors:- Julien Ponge
- Philippe CHARRIERE
- Daniel PETISME
- David Festal
- Kel Cecil
- Guillaume Grossetie
- sylvain Desgrais
- Yannick Loiseau
- Franck Verrot
- Dan Allen
Title: Dissolved Organic Carbon concentrations collected at the Mo’orea LTER forereef and back reef sites during the 2019 coral bleaching event.
Dataset 2021-07-09
Contributors: -
Title: 16S gene sequencing of microbial communities in South China Sea sediments from January to March 2014
Dataset 2021-05-20