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Title: The development of the Leuven Embedded Figures Test (L-EFT)

Type Image de-Wit, Lee, Degroef, Jens , Van der Hallen, Ruth, Wagemans, Johan (2014): The development of the Leuven Embedded Figures Test (L-EFT). Zenodo. Image.

Authors: de-Wit, Lee (University of Leuven) ; Degroef, Jens (University of Leuven) ; Van der Hallen, Ruth (University of Leuven) ; Wagemans, Johan (University of Leuven) ;



The Embedded Figures task has a long history as an important clinical and psychological test. There is however some ambiguity as to what exactly the test measures. This ambiguity is brought into clear focus by the fact that some researchers use the test as a measure of a local or global perceptual bias while others regard the test as a good measure of a much broader cognitive capacity related to intelligence or executive function. Given the importance of this test, particularly in clinical domains such as Autism, we have set out to develop a new version of the embedded figures test that more systematically manipulates the perceptual factors that contribute to the effective embedding of a target in a complex context. The result from two experiments will be presented, in which a range of factors, including continuity, complexity, closure and symmetry are revealed as potentially important. Based on these two experiments, a new set of stimuli will be presented which will form the basis of our new version of the Embedded Figures Test, which we plan to launch as an online test using the format of the Leuven Perceptual Organization Screening Test (L-POST). By more systematically manipulating the perceptual factors that contribute to effective embedding, we hope to offer a much more sensitive test, and a test that is better able to differentiate between genuine perceptual, as appose to executive, contributions to performance on this test.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7688


  • Perceptual Organization, Gestalts, Test development, Embedded Figures Test, Vision


  • Publication date: 2014
  • Issued: January 22, 2014


Datacite resource type: Figure


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