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Title: PyGMT: A Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools

Type Software Uieda, Leonardo, Tian, Dongdong, Leong, Wei Ji, Jones, Max, Schlitzer, William, Grund, Michael, Toney, Liam, Yao, Jiayuan, Magen, Yohai, Materna, Kathryn, Fröhlich, Yvonne, Belem, Andre, Newton, Tyler, Anant, Abhishek, Ziebarth, Malte, Quinn, Jamie, Wessel, Paul (2022): PyGMT: A Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools. Zenodo. Software.

Authors: Uieda, Leonardo (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom) ; Tian, Dongdong (China University of Geosciences, China) ; Leong, Wei Ji (The Ohio State University, USA) ; Jones, Max (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, USA) ; Schlitzer, William (Unaffiliated) ; Grund, Michael (Innoplexia GmbH, Germany) ; Toney, Liam (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA) ; Yao, Jiayuan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) ; Magen, Yohai (Tel Aviv University) ; Materna, Kathryn (US Geological Survey, USA) ; Fröhlich, Yvonne (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) ; Belem, Andre (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil) ; Newton, Tyler (University of Oregon, USA) ; Anant, Abhishek (Unaffiliated) ; Ziebarth, Malte (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Germany) ; Quinn, Jamie (University College London) ; Wessel, Paul (University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, USA) ;



PyGMT is a library for processing geospatial and geophysical data and making publication quality maps and figures. It provides a Pythonic interface for the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), a command-line program widely used in the Earth Sciences.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6702566
  • Language: en


  • Publication date: 2022
  • Issued: July 01, 2022


Other: The development of PyGMT has been supported by NSF grants OCE-1558403 and EAR-1948603.


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