Title: hesseflux: a Python library to process and post-process Eddy covariance data
Type Software Matthias Cuntz (2022): hesseflux: a Python library to process and post-process Eddy covariance data. Zenodo. Software. https://zenodo.org/record/6289976
- Item record in Zenodo
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hesseflux collects functions used for processing Eddy covariance data of the ICOS ecosystem site FR-Hes.
The package uses several functions of the JAMS Python package. The JAMS package and hesseflux are synchronised irregularly.
hesseflux includes a Python port of Logtools, the Logger Tools Software of Olaf Kolle, MPI-BGC Jena, (c) 2012.
The post-processing functionality for Eddy flux data is similar to the R-package REddyProc and includes basically the steps described in Papale et al. (Biogeosciences, 2006) plus some extensions such as the daytime method of flux partitioning (Lasslop et al., Global Change Biology 2010).
Full documentation is available from Read The Docs: http://hesseflux.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
This release includes several bug fixes. It outputs the mean of the values if gapfill is used for error estimates, e.g. to test the goodness of the gapfilling algorithm. u* thresholds can now also be applied seasonally. There is also a new helper script eddypro2nc.py which converts EddyPro output to a netCDF file.
More information
- DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6289976
- Eddy covariance, spike detection, gap-filling, imputation, u* filtering, FR-Hes, ICOS
- Publication date: 2022
- Issued: February 25, 2022
- info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Open Access
electronic resource
Description | Item type | Relationship | Uri |
IsPreviousVersionOf | https://github.com/mcuntz/hesseflux/tree/v3.2.1 | ||
IsDocumentedBy | http://hesseflux.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ | ||
IsVersionOf | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3831488 | ||
IsPartOf | https://zenodo.org/communities/zenodo |