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Title: CFHTLenS 3D-MF Galaxy Cluster Catalog

Type Dataset Ford, Jes (2014): CFHTLenS 3D-MF Galaxy Cluster Catalog. Zenodo. Dataset.

Author: Ford, Jes (University of British Columbia Dept of Physics & Astronomy, University of Washington eScience Institute) ;



These catalogs contain the publically available 3D-Matched-Filter (3D-MF) Galaxy Cluster candidates in the 4 fields of CFHTLenS.

Each catalog contains 5 columns: right ascension (RA), declination (DEC), redshift (z), 3D-MF detection significance (sig), and richness (n200).

As discussed in the references below, sig has been found to scale well with mass. While these catalogs contain all clusters detected at sig > 3.5, we expect there to be significant false detections at the lower end of this. Depending on your application, you may find it useful to make a cut at perhaps sig > 5 or 10. The position of the cluster (RA, DEC) is coincident with the peak in the 3D-MF likelihood map, and does NOT necessarily coincide with a member galaxy. Redshift z is the center of the 3D-MF redshift bin that maximizes a cluster detection, and has not been refined to more precise values than the binning employed by the 3D-MF algorithm. For more details, please consult the references given below.

Details of the 3D-MF algorithm can be found in Milkeraitis et al. 2010 (

The specifics of the 3D-MF application to the CFHTLenS fields can be found in Ford et al. 2014 ( and Ford et al. 2015 (

If you have any questions about these catalogs, please contact

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.51291


  • Publication date: 2014
  • Issued: September 11, 2014


Other: This catalog was made public as part of work by the CFHTLenS collaboration.


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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