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Title: Neurophysiological analytics for all! Free open-source software tools for documenting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing using electronic notebooks 1.0

Type Software Rosenberg, David M., Horn, Charles C. (2016): Neurophysiological analytics for all! Free open-source software tools for documenting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing using electronic notebooks 1.0. Zenodo. Software.

Authors: Rosenberg, David M. (University of Pittsburgh) ; Horn, Charles C. (University of Pittsburgh) ;



This repository is associated with the following publication: -----------

Neurophysiological analytics for all!  Free open-source software tools for documenting, analyzing, visualizing, and sharing using electronic notebooks. *Journal of Neurophysiology* 2016 Apr 20:jn.00137.2016. doi: 10.1152/jn.00137.2016.


Please see the above report for information on the notebooks and data. A temporary executable environment with working Jupyter notebooks can be initiated by clicking the Binder link in the GitHub repository

This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including the Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) Program (award# U18EB021772) and a grant to the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (award# P30CA047904, Cancer Center Support Grant).

Usage Notes: * Running the Jupyter notebooks will produce output files, including images, analyzed data, and shareable HTML copies of the notebooks, which are accessible by going to "Open ..." on the Jupyter File menu. * The spike sorting notebook needs to be run before the spike train notebook, which depends on a spike timestamp output file. * For offline file usage, Python and R dependencies are listed in the README documents in the Supplement folders.  

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.51140


  • neurophysiology, open source, electronic laboratory notebook, Python, R, Jupyter, electrophysiology, neuroscience


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: May 07, 2016


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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