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Title: seaborn: statistical data visualization

Type Software Michael Waskom (2021): seaborn: statistical data visualization. Zenodo. Software.

Author: Michael Waskom (Center for Neural Science, NYU) ;



Seaborn is a library for making statistical graphics in Python. It provides a high-level interface to matplotlib and integrates closely with pandas data structures. Functions in the seaborn library expose a declarative, dataset-oriented API that makes it easy to translate questions about data into graphics that can answer them. When given a dataset and a specification of the plot to make, seaborn automatically maps the data values to visual attributes such as color, size, or style, internally computes statistical transformations, and decorates the plot with informative axis labels and a legend. Many seaborn functions can generate figures with multiple panels that elicit comparisons between conditional subsets of data or across different pairings of variables in a dataset. seaborn is designed to be useful throughout the lifecycle of a scientific project. By producing complete graphics from a single function call with minimal arguments, seaborn facilitates rapid prototyping and exploratory data analysis. And by offering extensive options for customization, along with exposing the underlying matplotlib objects, it can be used to create polished, publication-quality figures.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4645478


  • Python, data science, data visualization, statistical graphics


  • Publication date: 2021
  • Issued: March 29, 2021


Other: This DOI points to the commit representing the v0.11.1 release.


  • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Open Access

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