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Title: The VirusExplorer DEM - A database for diagnostic electron microscopy of viruses

Type Software Laue, Michael, Möller, Lars (2020): The VirusExplorer DEM - A database for diagnostic electron microscopy of viruses. Zenodo. Software.

Authors: Laue, Michael (Robert Koch Institute, D-13353 Berlin, Germany) ; Möller, Lars (Robert Koch Institute, D-13353 Berlin, Germany) ;



The Virus Explorer for diagnostic electron microscopy (DEM) is an image database which contains images of viruses relevant in infectious diseases of humans. It can be used as a reference or for learning diagnostic electron microscopy of viruses. The database is distributed as a Filemaker Runtime which can be installed and used free of charge on any computer (this version is build for operation under MacOS 10.14 and newer -  a version for Microsoft Vista, XP, 7 or 10 is also available: Images and design of the database are provided by the Robert Koch Institute. Please refer to the "Read_Before_use" file for details of the legal aspects of the use. Contact details of the authors are provided within the database. This version replaces older versions. (Version 20161222v01 MAC)

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3925135


  • database electron microscopy virus negative staining training reference image photo ultrastructure


  • Publication date: 2020
  • Issued: July 01, 2020


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