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Title: huggingface/transformers: Longformer

Type Software Thomas Wolf, Lysandre Debut, Julien Chaumond, Patrick von Platen, Victor SANH, Aymeric Augustin, Funtowicz Morgan, Rémi Louf, Sam Shleifer, Manuel Romero, Stefan Schweter, Denis, erenup, Matt, Grégory Châtel, Piero Molino, Bram Vanroy, Anthony MOI, Gunnlaugur Thor Briem, Tim Rault, Bilal Khan, Catalin Voss, Malte Pietsch, Lorenzo Ampil, Davide Fiocco, Louis Martin, Fei Wang, HUSEIN ZOLKEPLI, Suraj Patil, Martin Malmsten (2020): huggingface/transformers: Longformer. Zenodo. Software.

Authors: Thomas Wolf (@huggingface) ; Lysandre Debut (Hugging Face) ; Julien Chaumond (Hugging Face) ; Patrick von Platen ; Victor SANH (@huggingface) ; Aymeric Augustin (@canalplus) ; Funtowicz Morgan (HuggingFace) ; Rémi Louf ; Sam Shleifer (Huggingface) ; Manuel Romero ; Stefan Schweter ; Denis ; erenup ; Matt ; Grégory Châtel (DisAItek & Intel AI Innovators) ; Piero Molino ; Bram Vanroy (@UGent) ; Anthony MOI (Hugging Face) ; Gunnlaugur Thor Briem (Qlik) ; Tim Rault (@huggingface) ; Bilal Khan ; Catalin Voss (Stanford University) ; Malte Pietsch (deepset) ; Lorenzo Ampil (@thinkingmachines) ; Davide Fiocco (@frontiersin) ; Louis Martin ; Fei Wang (University of Southern California) ; HUSEIN ZOLKEPLI ; Suraj Patil (Wynum) ; Martin Malmsten ;



Longformer Longformer (@ibeltagy) Longformer for QA (@patil-suraj + @patrickvonplaten) Longformer fast tokenizer (@patil-suraj) Longformer for sequence classification (@patil-suraj) Longformer for token classification (@patil-suraj) Longformer for Multiple Choice (@patrickvonplaten) More user-friendly handling of global attention mask vs local attention mask (@patrickvonplaten) Fix longformer attention mask type casting when using APEX (@peskotivesgeroff) New community notebooks! Long Sequence Modeling with Reformer (@patrickvonplaten) Fine-tune BART for summarization (@ohmeow) Fine-tune a pre-trained Transformer on anyone's tweets (@borisdayma, @lavanyashukla) A step-by-step guide to tracking hugging face model performance with wandb (@jxmorris12, @lavanyashukla) Fine-tune Longformer for QA (@patil-suraj) Pretrain Longformer (@ibeltagy) Fine-tune T5 for sentiment span extraction (@enzoampil) Archive Maps are no more (@julien-c)

Archive maps were dictionaries linking pre-trained models to their S3 URLs. Since the arrival of the model hub, these have become obsolete.

This PR is breaking for the following models:

"cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese" "cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese-whole-word-masking" "cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese-char" "cl-tohoku/bert-base-japanese-char-whole-word-masking" "TurkuNLP/bert-base-finnish-cased-v1" "TurkuNLP/bert-base-finnish-uncased-v1" "wietsedv/bert-base-dutch-cased" "flaubert/flaubert_small_cased" "flaubert/flaubert_base_uncased" "flaubert/flaubert_base_cased" "flaubert/flaubert_large_cased"

all variants of "facebook/bart"

Fixes and improvements Fix convert_token_type_ids_from_sequences for fast tokenizers (@n1t0, #4503) Fixed the default tokenizer of the summarization pipeline (@sshleifer, #4506) The max_len attribute is now more robust, and warns the user about deprecation (@mfuntowicz, #4528) Added type hints to (@bglearning, #3911) MMBT model now has nn.Module as a superclass (@shoarora, #4533) Fixing tokenization of extra_id symbols in the T5 tokenizer (@mansimov, #4353) Slow GPU tests run daily (@julien-c, #4465) Removed PyTorch artifacts in TensorFlow XLNet implementation (@ZhuBaohe, #4410) Fixed the T5 Cross Attention Position Bias (@ZhuBaohe, #4499) The transformers-cli is now cross-platform (@BramVanroy, #4131) + (@patrickvonplaten, #4614) GPT-2, CTRL: Accept input_ids and past of variable length (@patrickvonplaten, #4581) Added back --do_lower_case to SQuAD examples. Correct framework test requirement for language generation tests (@sshleifer, #4616) Fix add_special_tokens on fast tokenizers (@n1t0, #4531) MNLI & SST-2 bugs were fixed (@stdcoutzyx, #4546) Fixed BERT example for NSP and multiple choice (@siboehm, #3953) Encoder/decoder fix initialization and save/load bug (@patrickvonplaten, #4680) Fix onnx export input names order (@RensDimmendaal, #4641) Configuration: ensure that id2label always takes precedence over num_labels (@julien-c, direct commit to master) Make docstring match argument (@sgugger, #4711) Specify PyTorch versions for examples (@LysandreJik, #4710) Override get_vocab for fast tokenizers (@mfuntowicz, #4717) Tokenizer should not add special tokens for text generation (@patrickvonplaten, #4686)

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3873208


  • Publication date: 2020
  • Issued: June 02, 2020


  • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Open Access

Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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