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Title: Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: An industry and occupation perspective

Type Dataset R. Maria del Rio Chanona, Penny Mealy, Anton Pichler, Francois Lafond, J. Doyne Farmer (2020): Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: An industry and occupation perspective. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: R. Maria del Rio Chanona ; Penny Mealy ; Anton Pichler ; Francois Lafond ; J. Doyne Farmer ;



Supply and demand shocks in the COVID-19 pandemic: An industry and occupation perspective R. Maria del Rio-Chanona, Penny Mealy, Anton Picheler, Francois Lafond, J. Doyne Farmer contact:  Results  The supply, demand, and total shocks at the industry and occupation level are in files:

industry_variables_and_shock.csv occupation_variables_and_shock.csv

To reproduce our results we also include The employment data between industries and occupations industry_occupation_employment.csv The classification of work activities iwa_remotelabor_labels.csv The essential score of industries at the NAICS 4d level essential_score_industries_naics_4d_rev.csv  

Update with respect to the previous version

We have now included our code to reproduce our study from scratch.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3759869


  • COVID-19, economic growth, unemployment


  • Publication date: 2020
  • Issued: April 08, 2020


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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