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Title: Number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Netherlands

Type Dataset De Bruin, J (2020): Number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in The Netherlands. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: De Bruin, J ; De Bruin, J ; Menger, V ; Kocken, I ;



Datasets in this publication report the number of diagnoses with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on RIVM reports in The Netherlands. Since 3 March, RIVM reports the number of diagnoses with the coronavirus and their municipality of residence on a daily base. The data contains the total number of positively tested patients. It is not a dataset with the current number of sick people in the Netherlands. The RIVM does not currently provide data on people who have been cured. 

RIVM provides daily updates of the data. The data is not stored in a persistent way and is updated on the fly. RIVM removes data from previous days from their website. Therefore, it is not possible to monitor the spread of the coronavirus disease in the Netherlands on this data standalone. The data in this publication is composed of hourly downloads of the data of the website of RIVM. All code to compose the data was found on as well as graphs based on the data. 

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3734216


  • covid-19, corona, coronavirus, netherlands, dataset, timeseries


  • Publication date: 2020
  • Issued: March 30, 2020


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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