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Title: Dataset supplementing the article Einhäuser, W., Methfessel, P., & Bendixen, A. (2017). Newly acquired audio-visual associations bias perception in binocular rivalry. Vision Research, 133, 121-129.

Type Dataset Einhäuser, Wolfgang, Methfessel, Philipp, Bendixen, Alexandra (2017): Dataset supplementing the article Einhäuser, W., Methfessel, P., & Bendixen, A. (2017). Newly acquired audio-visual associations bias perception in binocular rivalry. Vision Research, 133, 121-129.. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Einhäuser, Wolfgang (Chemnitz University of Technology, Physics of Cognition Group) ; Methfessel, Philipp (Chemnitz University of Technology, Physics of Cognition Group & Cognitive Systems Lab) ; Bendixen, Alexandra (Chemnitz University of Technology, Cognitive Systems Lab) ;



This dataset supplements the publication Einhäuser, W., Methfessel, P., & Bendixen, A. (2017). Newly acquired audio-visual associations bias perception in binocular rivalry. Vision Research, 133, 121-129. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2017.02.001

Use is free for scientific purposes, provided the aforementioned reference is appropriately cited. Description of files - conditionsByObserver.csv contains for each of the 16 observers the color and grating direction that had been coupled to either the low-pitch or the high-pitch tone     column 1: observer number     column 2: color associated with low-pitch tone     column 3: color associated with high-pitch tone     column 4: drift direction associated with low-pitch tone     column 5: drift direction associated with high-pitch tone

- conditionsByObserver.mat contains the same information as matlab variables (as four vectors/cell arrays with one entry per observer)

- toneByBlockAndTrial.csv contains the conditions for all 18 rivalry trials (6 rivalry blocks with 3 trials each) for each observer     column 1: observer number     column 2: block number     column 3: trial number     column 4: tone (low [pitch], high [pitch], none) played in this trial Note that due to a technical error for observer #16, block 6 was presented first, followed by 1,2,3,4,5; for all other observers blocks were used in the order given (1,2,3,4,5,6).

- toneByBlockAndTrial.mat contains the same information as a 16x6x3 matrix named toneByBlockAndTrial ; tones are coded numerically (1-low pitch,2-high pitch,3-none)

- eyeTraces.mat contains three cell arrays of dimensions 16x6x3 (observer x rivalry block x rivalry trial) called xEye, oknGain, and timeSinceTrialStart;

o each entry of xEye contains the horizontal eye position for the respective trial in eye-tracker coordinates (which correspond to screen pixels, except that (1/1) is the upper right rather than the upper left and values increase from right to left due to the setup configuration)

o oknGain contains the gain computed from these eye positions.

o timeSinceTrialStart contains the time in seconds since onset of the trial

For all variables, the sampling rate is 500 Hz, in eye-tracker coordinates the speed of the grating is 240 units/ms. Blinks were removed from both eye-data variables, fast-phases were removed from the gain data. Removed data were set to NaN in eye-data variables.

- Matlab functions figure1d.m, figure 2.m, figure3.m and figure4.m compute raw versions of the aforementioned paper's figures from the datafiles to exemplify their usage.

[Note: In the originally published version of the article, the first two means and their standard errors of section 3.3 were stated incorrectly. All figures and statistical analyses are based on the correct data].

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.345946


  • Rivalry, Cross-modal integration, vision, audition, associative learning, Optokinetic nystagmus, No-report paradigm


  • Publication date: 2017
  • Issued: March 06, 2017


Other: The work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through SFB/TRR-135 (B4).


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