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Title: Supporting data: The biogeographic origin of a radiation of trees in Madagascar: Implications for the assembly of a tropical forest biome

Type Dataset Federman, Sarah, Dornburg, Alex, Downie, Alexander, Richard, Alison F, Daly, Douglas C, Donoghue, Michael J (2015): Supporting data: The biogeographic origin of a radiation of trees in Madagascar: Implications for the assembly of a tropical forest biome. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Federman, Sarah (Yale University, department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) ; Dornburg, Alex (North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences ) ; Downie, Alexander (Yale University, department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) ; Richard, Alison F (Yale University, department of Anthropology) ; Daly, Douglas C (New York Botanical Garden, Institute of Systematic Botany) ; Donoghue, Michael J (Yale University, department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) ;



This directory contains xml files (which in turn contain concatenated alignments), newick, and phylip formatted tree files. Code and scripts used for generating figures, phylogenies and biogeographic models is available on request.

~/trees/ contains tree files and maximum clade credibility trees from the three phylogenetic inferences: 1) Canarieae with a fossil tip; 2) Canarieae with fossil nodes; and 3) Canarieae with fossil nodes, but without the Canarieae fossil node calibration. See the paper and supplemental text for more information.

~/trees/RAxML/ contains the RAXML starter trees used  

~/xml_files/ contains the xml files used for Bayesian phylogenetic inference in BEAST for all three phylogenetic inferences (see above). Concatenated alignments of molecular data can be found within the xml files.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.31503


  • Canarium, Madagascar, newick, phylogeny, xml


  • Publication date: 2015
  • Issued: September 28, 2015


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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