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Title: Code to reproduce the figures in the paper 'Assessing localization accuracy in sound field synthesis'

Type Software Wierstorf, Hagen (2016): Code to reproduce the figures in the paper 'Assessing localization accuracy in sound field synthesis'. Zenodo. Software.

Author: Wierstorf, Hagen (Technische Universität Ilmenau) ;



In this upload you find all the scripts and data you need in order to reproduce the figure from the paper Wierstorf et al., "Assessing localization accuracy in sound field synthesis" [1].

## Software Requirements

### Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox

From the [Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox]( git repository you need to checkout the version *commit 3730bc0*, which is identical with release 1.0.0. Under Linux this can be done the following way: ``` $ git clone $ cd sfs-matlab $ git checkout 3730bc0 $ cd .. ```

### SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics) Matlab/Octave API

From the [SOFA Matlab/Octave API]( git repository you need to checkout the version *commit 260079a*, which is identical with release 1.0.1. Under Linux this can be done the following way: ``` $ git clone sofa $ cd sofa $ git checkout 260079a $ cd .. ```

### Two!Ears Auditory Front-end

Form the [Two!Ears Auditory Front-end]( git repository you need to checkout the version *commit ce47b54*, which is identical with the release 1.0. Under Linux this can be done the following way: ``` $ git clone $ cd auditory-front-end $ git checkout ce47b54 $ cd .. ```

## Reproduce data

After downloading all needed packages start Matlab.  Then we have to initialize all the toolboxes.  This can be done by running the following commands from the `sfs/` and `amtoolbox/` directory, respectively.

```Matlab >> cd sfs-matlab >> SFS_start; >> cd ../sofa/API_MO >> SOFAstart; >> cd ../../auditory-front-end >> startAuditoryFrontEnd; >> cd .. ``` Now everything is prepared and you can recreate the data from the numerical simulation in Fig.1 and the ITD estimation by the binaural model in Fig.6:

```Matlab >> cd fig01 >> fig01 >> cd ../fig06 >> fig06 ```

## Reproduce figures

All figures were plotted using gnuplot 5.0. Every figure folder has an ``figXX.plt`` file that you can execute and you will get the resulting pdf file. Only Fig. 2 is generated via tikz and you have to compile the ``fig02.tex`` file using pdflatex.

## References

[1] H. Wierstorf, A. Raake, S. Spors, "Assessing localization accuracy in sound field synthesis," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 141, p. 1111-1119 (2017), doi:10.1121/1.4976061.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.166755


  • WFS, binaural synthesis, JASA, NFC-HOA, localization


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: November 15, 2016


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!

Funding Information

618075info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/618075/10.13039/100011102Crossref Funder IDEuropean Commission


electronic resource


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