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Title: Contour method and neutron diffraction dataset to determine the weld fusion zone shape on residual stress in submerged arc welding

Type Dataset M. J. Roy (2016): Contour method and neutron diffraction dataset to determine the weld fusion zone shape on residual stress in submerged arc welding. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: M. J. Roy (The University of Manchester) ; A. Ishigami (JFE Steel Corporation) ; J. N. Walsh (University of Manchester) ;



This is a dataset which formed the basis for "The effect of the weld fusion zone shape on residual stress in submerged arc welding" by A. Ishigami, M. J. Roy, J. N. Walsh and P. J. Withers appearing in the Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.

Two X-grade steel specimens with different high speed, submerged arc welds with very slight differences in fusion zone shape were compared with a novel contour method application as well as with neutron diffraction. Neutron diffraction was carried out with the SALSA instrument at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France with the assistance of T. Pirling. Data files with 441 in the descriptor refer to 'conventional' parameters (see publication), while 241 refers to 'new'.

Provided in this dataset are four *.dat files, which contains data is in the form of a point cloud with one point per line, whitespace delimited in microns. Data was captured with a Nanofocus CF-4 laser profilometer sensor with point spacing 30 µm apart. Data with z coordinates below or above 500 µm are considered outside of the surface detection limits.

Also included is an Excel worksheet, which contains the calculated residual stresses as found with LAMP ( Raw data is available here:

P. J. Withers, A. Ishigami, T. Pirling, M. Roy, J. Walsh (2014). The effect of weld bead shape on residual stress in novel low heat input welding of steel [Data set]. ILL.

The authors would like to thank JFE Steel Corporation for both direct and in-direct support of this research. The authors would also like to thank the Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin for the allocation of beamtime at SALSA and gratefully acknowledge the help of Thilo Pirling for his assistance in performing the neutron diffraction experiments. A. Ishigami would like to thank Kenji Oi for his support of this research. M. J. Roy would like to thank Ian Winstanley for his assistance in performing the contour cuts. M. J. Roy acknowledges financial support from the EPSRC (EP/L01680X/1) through the Materials for Demanding Environments Centre for Doctoral Training.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.165765


  • Contour method, Residual stress, Neutron diffraction, Submerged arc welding, API X70, Oil & gas


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: November 09, 2016


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