This is a limited proof of concept to search for research data, not a production system.

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Title: A novel interactive approach with virtual content in a physical world using small projectors and sensors

Type Software Marín, Guillermo, Maya, Julián, Santos, Maria (2016): A novel interactive approach with virtual content in a physical world using small projectors and sensors. Zenodo. Software.

Authors: Marín, Guillermo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) ; Maya, Julián (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) ; Santos, Maria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) ;



Prototype concept game using small projectors Processing, wiimote and OSC

This is a visual search-task shooter game where the user has to explore a hidden virtual world (space) revealed by the projector, looking for space invaders.

This software is a proof of concept prototype of an interface for augmented reality paradigm named the world as a support WaS. Where the user uses the surface of the real world (wall) to explore and reveal a virtual environment by the projection.

invisible infrared markers are set in the projection surface and its position is captured by a sensor system which permanently communicates this coordinates to the game system. Thus, the game made in Processing makes a constant mapping between the real world and a virtual 3D environment allowing the projection image change depending on the angle and distance of projection from the wall. In other words, moving the projector in the real world is also moving the point of view in the virtual environment, so the effect in the user is that is exploring a hidden world behind the wall.


Processing 3.2.2

OScP5 (OSX only) An Open Sound Control (OSC) implementation for Java and Processing

OSculator 3.0 OSX Wiimote - OSC mesage Broker

Get Started

Clone or download github master Install requirements Create infra-red light emitter. You can use the wii sensor bar as well You need at least two IR emitter spots on the wal We made two light spots with four IR leds each one. wiimote built-in infrared camera tracks x,y position of up to 4 IR light blobs Pair wiimote with Osculator Load osculator config file /OSCulator_Presets.oscd (just double click it) Open DynamicProjection.pde file on processing By default it runs full screen in a second display, you can change this behavior searching the line fullScreen(P3D, 1); Have fun, fork it Game arts and animation sprites sources are included in .psd photohop files in /images/invader/masters/*.psd

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.164951


  • Interface Design, HCI, Projector, Augmented Reality, World as a support


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: May 10, 2016


Other: Other: {"references": ["Andreas Schlegel, . (2015). oscP5: An OSC library for java and the programming environment Processing [Data set]. Zenodo."]}


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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