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Title: RNA-NMR-Decoys

Type Dataset Aaron T Frank (2016): RNA-NMR-Decoys. Zenodo. Dataset.

Author: Aaron T Frank (University of Michigan) ;



Atomistic decoy sets for RNAs in PDB that were solved using NMR, and for which NMR chemical shift data is available.

Decoy sets consist of:   - structures in the corresponding NMR bundle - structures generated using FARFAR - structures extracted from MD simulations (simulations were initiated from the first model in the corresponding NMR bundle)

Contained in each folder are: - coordinates/ - coordinate files of decoys in PDB format (compressed with .gzip) - chemical_shifts.txt - NMR chemical shifts - struct.txt - structural comparison info for decoys relative to the solve NMR structures

Coordinate files can be decompressed using by executing: ./  

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.162502


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: October 22, 2016


  • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Open Access

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