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Title: European Wind Atlas data disk

Type Dataset Ib Troen, Erik L. Petersen (1989): European Wind Atlas data disk. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Ib Troen (DTU Wind Energy) ; Erik L. Petersen (DTU Wind Energy) ; Mortensen, Niels Gylling (DTU Wind Energy) ;



This data set is a ZIP archive of the European Wind Atlas data disk; data set is described in Appendix D of the atlas:

The main results of the European Wind Atlas analysis – the regionally representative wind statistics for each station – are furnished on a disk at the back of the Atlas. The disk furthermore contains the wind speed data in the form of histograms. The disk is divided into a number of subdirectories corresponding to the EC12 countries. The subdirectories are named as the country codes given below:

B – Belgium

DK – Denmark

F – France

D – Germany (FRG)

GR – Greece

I – Italy

EI – Ireland

L – Luxembourg

NL – Netherlands

P – Portugal

E – Spain

GB – United Kingdom

Radiosonde statistics for all the countries are in a separate subdirectory with the name RS.

The Wind Atlas data are stored as sequential ASCII files with the file name extension LIB, and contain 48 lines/records of information. The contents of a file are shown schematically in Table D.1 of the European Wind Atlas.

The raw data are stored as sequential ASCII files with the file name extension TAB. The contents of a histogram file are shown schematically in Table D.2 of the European Wind Atlas.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.160136


  • wind data, wind modelling, wind atlas, DTU Wind Energy


  • Publication date: 1989
  • Issued: June 01, 1989


Other: The European Wind Atlas itself can be downloaded from DTU Orbit at:


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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