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Title: Nano patents from Spain in Espacenet (2004-2014)

Type Dataset Jürgens, Björn, Herrero-Solana, Víctor (2016): Nano patents from Spain in Espacenet (2004-2014). Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Jürgens, Björn (CITPIA Patent Information Centre, Agency of Innovation and Development of Andalusia) ; Herrero-Solana, Víctor (Univ Granada) ;



This dataset include 3278 patents from Spain in field Nanotechnology, based in this query:

#1 PD=2004:2014

#2 PA=[ES] 

#3 IN=[ES]

#4 IC=(B82 OR G01Q OR A61K9/51 OR H01F10/32 OR G02F1/017 OR B05D1/20 OR H01F41/30 OR C01B31/0206 OR H01L29/775)

#5 TA=(nano* not nano2 not nano3 not nanog not nanosecond* not nanosegund* not nanomol* not nanogram* not nanoplankton* not nanoplancton* or "atom* scale" or "escala* atomic*" or "atomic layer deposition*" or "deposicion* de capa* atomic*" or "giant magnetoresist*" or "magnetorresistencia* gigante*" or graphen* or grafen* or dendrimer* or fulleren* or "c-60" or "langmuirblodgett*" or mesopor* or "molecul* assembl*" or "ensambla* molecul*" or "molecul* wire*" or "alambr*+ molecul*" or "hilo* molecul*"  or "porous silicon*" or "silicon* porosa" or "quantum dot*" or "puntocuantic*" or "quantum well*" or "pozocuantic*" or "quantum comput*" or "computa* cuantic*" or "ordenador* cuantic*" or "quantum wire*" or "alambre* cuantic*" or "hilo* cuantic*"  or qubit* or "self assembl*" or “autoensambla*  or molecul*” or supramolecul* or supermolecul* or "ultrathin film*" or "ultra thin film*" or "lamina ultra-delgada*" or "lamina ultra delgada*")

#1 AND (#2 OR #3) AND (#4 OR #5)

The keyword query is based in Maghrebi 2010

This dataset was used in a PhD dissertation in UGR (Björn Jürgens), two posters (NanoSpain and STI2016), and an article (WPI), more details in references.

File format: MS-Excel

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.154618


  • Nanotechnology, Patents, Espacenet, Spain


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: September 21, 2016


Other: This dataset is a part of the project "Vigilancia tecnológica de la nanotecnología española a través de sus patentes" (CSO2012-38801), financiado por el Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental en el marco del VI Programa Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011, Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no Orientada (BOE de 31 diciembre de 2011) Other: {"references": ["Herrero-Solana, V\u00edctor y Bj\u00f6rn J\u00fcrgens. Patent indicators for the Spanish Nanotechnology domain. 21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. STI Conference 2016 \"Peripheres, frontiers and beyond\", 14 al 16 de septiembre de 2016. Valencia, Espa\u00f1a.", "Herrero-Solana, V\u00edctor y Bj\u00f6rn J\u00fcrgens. Patentometric study of nanotechnology in Spain. NanoSpain 2016 Conference, 15 al 18 de marzo de 2016. Logro\u00f1o, Espa\u00f1a.", "Maghrebi, M., Abbasi, A., Amiri, S., Monsefi, R., & Harati, A. (2010). A collective and abridged lexical query for delineation of nanotechnology publications. Scientometrics, 86(1), 15-25.", "Bj\u00f6rn J\u00fcrgens y Victor Herrero-Solana. Patents from Latin America and Spain with Latipat: country coverage and ability to search for emerging topics like Nanotechnology. World Patent Information 46:1-8, 2016.", "Ju\u0308rgens, B. (2016). Nanotechnology in Spain: technology watch by patents (Doctoral dissertation). University of Granada."]}


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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