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Title: Digital Image Correlation Workshop at the University of Manchester, September 2016

Type Dataset M. J. Roy (2016): Digital Image Correlation Workshop at the University of Manchester, September 2016. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: M. J. Roy (University of Manchester) ; Tyler, Philip (Enabling Process Technologies, Ltd.) ; Tofts, Alistair (Correlated Solutions, Inc) ;



Enabling Process Technologies sponsored a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) workshop on 8 September, 2016 at the School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester. Alistair Tofts, Director of Sales & Marketing at Correlated Solutions attended and provided a series of presentations covering DIC theory, and the working principles of the VIC lineup of DIC software.

Afterwards, three discrete tests were conducted with the same specimen and speckle on three different frames and setups:

High speed: Zwick HTM-5030 test frame, Photron SA.1 high speed cameras Quasi-static 2D: Instron 5969 test frame, Point Grey Research machine vision camera Quasi-static 3D: Instron 5659 test frame, 2 Point Grey Research machine vision cameras

The archives included in this dataset are:

Presentations: contains the slides from the presentations given by Alistair Tofts, as well as an outline/agenda given by Matthew Roy. 3D_fast, 2D_slow and 3D_slow: correspond to the tests/setup described above, including all calibration and test images, along with VIC metadata for replaying analyses.

Specimen geometry is shown on slide 6 of ~/Presentation/DICWorkshopPresSept2016_MJR.pptx, and markdown readme files are included to describe the test and data.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.154121


  • Digital image correlation, Dc02 steel, Photron, Speckle pattern, HTM 5020


  • Publication date: 2016
  • Issued: September 15, 2016


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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