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Title: Dataset from "Matthieu Delescluse and Christophe Pouzat (2006) Efficient spike-sorting of multi-state neurons using inter-spike intervals information Journal of Neuroscience Methods 150: 16-29."

Type Dataset Pouzat, Christophe, Delescluse, Matthieu (2015): Dataset from "Matthieu Delescluse and Christophe Pouzat (2006) Efficient spike-sorting of multi-state neurons using inter-spike intervals information Journal of Neuroscience Methods 150: 16-29.". Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Pouzat, Christophe (Paris-Descartes University (MAP5) and CNRS UMR 8145) ; Delescluse, Matthieu (Paris-Descartes University (Cerebral Physiology Laboratory) and CNRS 8118) ;



The dataset (in HDF5 format) used in Delescluse and Pouzat (2006) Efficient spike-sorting of multi-state neurons using inter-spike intervals information Journal of Neuroscience Methods 150: 16-29. arXiv:q-bio/0505053. See this reference for recording details. Data collected by Matthieu Delescluse. Briefly, 4 channels (data sets Channel_0,1,2,3, organized in a group called 'ExtracellularData'; extracellular recordings along the Purkinje cell layer of a young rat cerebellar cortex slice) of a linear 'Michigan' (now Neuronexus) probe and a loose cell-attached recording (data set Reference, in group 'CellAttached') from one of the Purkinje cells that is also extracellularly recorded: a 'ground truth' for spike sorting algorithms. Each group has three attributes: SamplingRate, HighPass and LowPass. The last two are the filter settings used prior to A/D conversion. These attributes have identical values for the 5 traces (2 groups): the data were sampled at 15 kHz, high-passed at 300 Hz and low-passed at 5 kHz.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.15228


  • Extracellular recording, Cerebellar cortex, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Hidden Markov chain


  • Publication date: 2015
  • Issued: February 14, 2015


Other: {"references": ["Matthieu Delescluse and Christophe Pouzat (2006) Efficient spike-sorting of multi-state neurons using inter-spike intervals information Journal of Neuroscience Methods 150: 16-29."]}


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