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Title: Simulated tracer-gas distribution in a multiscale model of the human lung during multiple-breath nitrogene washout

Type Dataset David Hasler (2018): Simulated tracer-gas distribution in a multiscale model of the human lung during multiple-breath nitrogene washout. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: David Hasler (1Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Switzerland) ; Pinelopi Anagnostopoulou (Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland) ; Philipp Latzin (Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Switzerland) ; Dominik Obrist (ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland) ; Johannes Schittny (Institute of Anatomy, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland) ;





inletFlow (ASCII format data for flow rate at the mouth in m^3/s, sampling frequency 1kHz) primary_results (ASCII format data table with four colums: time in seconds, N2 concentration (normalized), empty -1, pleural pressure in Pascal)

compliance modification (local):

inletFlow (format as in baseline) primary_results (format as in basline) duct: unstructured VTK mesh data of several scalar quantities (airway dimensino, pressure, N2 concentration, flow velocity) witin the airway network. Sampling frequency 50Hz (separat vtk-file for each timestep). Inspect for instance with the VisIt (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) free visualization software. lobule: unstructured VTK mesh data of several scalar quantities (airway dimensino, pressure, N2 concentration, flow velocity) within the trumpet lobules.

compliance modification (regional):

inletFlow (format as in baseline) primary_results (format as in basline) duct: (same format as described above) lobule: (same format as described above)

size modification (regional):

inletFlow (format as in baseline) primary_results (format as in basline)

resistance modification (local):

inletFlow (format as in baseline) primary_results (format as in basline)

healthy controls (local):

inletFlow (format as in baseline) primary_results (format as in basline)

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1476557


  • Multi-breath washout, advection-diffusion equation, fractal airway morphology


  • Publication date: 2018
  • Issued: November 01, 2018


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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