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Title: A 2D hyperspectral library of mineral reflectance, from 900 to 2500nm - Raw data

Type Dataset Fasnacht, Laurent, Vogt, Marie-Louise, Renard, Philippe, Brunner, Philip (2018): A 2D hyperspectral library of mineral reflectance, from 900 to 2500nm - Raw data. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Fasnacht, Laurent (University of Neuchâtel (CHYN)) ; Vogt, Marie-Louise (University of Neuchâtel (CHYN)) ; Renard, Philippe (University of Neuchâtel (CHYN)) ; Brunner, Philip (University of Neuchâtel (CHYN)) ;



Each zip file contains the text description file: description.txt. It also contains the data of one or two measurement, A and possibly B. The files are named as follows (#### is the sample ID, @ the letter of the measurement):

####-@.ply and ####-@.png: 3D reconstruction in Stanford PLY format, and associated texture file. @-im-000.jpg@-im-010.jpg, ..., @-im-360.jpg: JPEG images of the sample, the angle is in degrees. 0 degree correspond to the position used during scanning. @.scan.h5: HDF5 file containing the raw scan data.

The zip files correspond to the sample IDs, according to the following table:

Mineral Sample IDs Datapoints ---------------------------------------------------------------- Actinolite 0020, 0021, 0064 56840 Albite 0107 22521 Almandine 0025, 0026, 0073, 0074 17425 Andalusite 0014 18862 Anhydrite 0004 30832 Apatite 0089(2), 0090(2) 69062 Aragonite 0061 40111 Arsenopyrite 0087(2) 66333 Augite 0038 8503 Barite 0006 37130 Beryl 0075(2) 37743 Biotite 0049(2), 0050 45400 Blende 0086(2) 15596 Bronzite 0112 50452 Bytownite 0103 14666 Calcite 0010, 0011, 0052, 0078, 0079 112501 Cassiterite 0119, 0120 38535 Celestite 0000, 0001, 0002 56075 Chalcedony 0108(2), 0109(2) 96431 Chalcopyrite 0106 19375 Chlorite 0013 75802 Clinochlore 0126 45301 Coal 0081, 0082 44664 Copper 0101 14556 Diopside 0069 58959 Dolomite 0091(2), 0092(2) 76810 Enstatite 0047 31072 Epidote 0023, 0024 47306 Fluorite 0003(2), 0012(2) 98638 Galena 0053, 0054 17931 Garnet 0115 27331 Glaucophane 0016, 0017, 0076, 0077 200830 Goethite 0114 10717 Graphite 0083, 0084 20047 Grossular 0030, 0031 46592 Gypsum 0005(2), 0007, 0063 159829 Halite 0008, 0056 66201 Halloysite 0121, 0122 102028 Hematite 0039(2), 0085(2), 0095, 0096 165228 Hornblende 0046 9175 Hypersthene 0111 62932 Ilmenite 0116 16256 Kaolinite 0113 20764 Kyanite 0029 12320 Labradorite 0088(2), 0104(2) 62762 Limonite 0128, 0129 64550 Magnetite 0055, 0072 7103 Microcline 0071 60699 Montmorillonite 0123, 0124, 0125 87986 Muscovite 0034 62481 Nepheline 0097(2) 51930 Olivine 0065 7965 Omphacite 0019, 0067 108032 Opal 0102 34404 Orthoclase 0057 49824 Phlogopite 0045, 0070 105119 Pyrite 0042, 0048 31598 Pyrolusite 0117, 0118 45534 Pyrrhotite 0051 21572 Quartz 0009(2), 0035 126760 Rutile 0093 4959 Sanidine 0099(2) 49260 Serpentine 0018, 0068 78937 Siderite 0080 11651 Silicified wood 0127(2) 92935 Sillimanite 0032, 0033 70546 Sodalite 0043, 0060 61852 Sphalerite 0105 27485 Staurolite 0027, 0028, 0066 30628 Sulfur 0036, 0037 34751 Talc 0022, 0040, 0041, 0058, 0059 138317 Titanite 0094 4121 Tourmaline 0044, 0062 68419 Tremolite 0098(2), 0100 70913 Zircon 0110(2) 5110


More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1446397


  • Publication date: 2018
  • Issued: October 05, 2018


Much of the data past this point we don't have good examples of yet. Please share in #rdi slack if you have good examples for anything that appears below. Thanks!


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