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Title: Reader's Experience of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland French-Oriented Questionnaire

Type Dataset Houyaux, Justine (2015): Reader's Experience of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland French-Oriented Questionnaire. Zenodo. Dataset.

Authors: Houyaux, Justine (UMONS) ; François, Pierre (UMONS - Faculty of Translation and Interpretation) ; Piette, Alain (UMONS - Faculty of Translation and Interpretation) ;



This dataset contains the results of an online French-oriented questionnaire on readers' experience of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by English author Lewis Carroll. It shows data collected between the 18th of August, 2013 and the 2nd of March, 2014 on 628 anonymous volunteers from French-speaking countries (mainly France and Belgium) between 10 and 70 years old  who answered questions on how they perceived Alice in Wonderland as well as some more general questions on their reading habits.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14003


  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, Translation Studies, Literature, Victorian Literature, English Literature, Translation


  • Publication date: 2015
  • Issued: January 17, 2015


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