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Title: Implementation of the local density approximation in the 3D Fermi-Hubbard model

Type Software Duarte, Pedro, Paiva, Thereza, Khatami, Ehsan (2014): Implementation of the local density approximation in the 3D Fermi-Hubbard model. Zenodo. Software.

Authors: Duarte, Pedro (Rice University) ; Paiva, Thereza (Universidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro) ; Khatami, Ehsan (San Jose State University) ;



Here I present code to carry out the local density approximation (LDA) assuming spherical symmetry in the 3D Fermi-Hubbard model realized in an optical lattice experiment with ultracold atoms.

The LDA is used to calculate profiles of the thermodynamic quantities, using as a seed the results from numerical calculations of the homogeneous 3D Fermi-Hubbard model.


This software was written by Pedro M. Duarte. The data for the homogeneous 3D Hubbard model was provided by Thereza Paiva and Ehsan Khatami.

More information

  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12780


  • Publication date: 2014
  • Issued: November 19, 2014


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